With the kindness and help from J.T. at Bibliofreak blog site, she explained what I was doing wrong on my blog and how to fix it. I had read on one of the many book blogs that I enjoy, that the nicest people are Book Bloggers and that is so true. I will be formatting my blog differently using J.T.'s suggestions. Thank you again J.T. for all your help. If you haven't visited her site you really should. It is great !!! Here is her link: http://bibliofreakblog.com. I will be trying to resize my new blog button. LOL Its quite big...another example of me being computer challenged. My 1st button's image was removed from photobucket. And since the one now is the image I use to sign into blogs via google friend connect, I think this image would be much more appropriate. LOL Wish me luck on this challenge.

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