
February 20, 2010


As I stated earlier, my day got off to a late start.  But my routine was the same, only a few hours later.  One blog that I visit daily had not posted her Aloha Friday question yesterday by the time that I signed off, so I headed straight over to her site to see what her question was so I could comment.  With coffee mug in hand and only 1/2 cup down, I started reading her new posts.  Still not fully awake I thought I saw my it again....and sure name was there.  It was like winning the gold medal !   Xmas Dolly ( had passed this award on to me.....
Our blogs are so different in content but through emails, we have found that we have a lot in common in "real life".  She has a wonderful sense of humor that comes across on her blog...stop by when you get a chance.  However, I will admit, I am trying to convert her when it comes to reading.  She has promised to read at least one book and post her review on my site....only thing...she hasn't yet said what year that will be (lol).  Now for the criteria:
The rules for accepting this award:
1.Thank the link to the person that gave you the award (I did that immediately).
2.Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & whom you think are fantastic (since I am a new blogger, I feel that all blogs I follow fall under this category)
3.Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won
4.State 7 Things about yourself!
  1. "Mash" is a nickname I was given by a is the first syllable of my last name when pronounced correctly (most people think its because I was a nurse by profession)
  2.  Talking about my sis-in-law, hubby's sister...we have the same exact name first, middle and last name
  3.  I wish I still had my last job...loved it...but had to leave due to medical reasons.
  4.  Hubby and I will be married 29 years in April (day before my surgery) and we were together 7 yrs before (started dating him when I was a senior in high school and then through college)
  5.  While in high school (school trips) I visited Italy, Spain and Africa (what an education !!)
  6.  I usually wake up between 5-6am (thats why I was off kilter today)
  7.  Favorite season is spring. 
Passing this on to (in no particular order):
     Reading At The Beach              Rundpinne   
     Booking With Bingo                 Libby's Library News
     Bermudaonion                          The Crazy Life of a Bookaholic Mom
     Bibliophile By The Sea              Socrates Book Reviews
     Book Chick City                       Peeking Between The Pages
     I'm Booking It                          The Ladybug Lounge
     Crazy For Books                       Books Are My Magical Escape
     One Persons Journey Through A World of Books


Anonymous said... 1

You surely do deserve this award Cheryl!!!

Thanks so much for passing it on to me and congrats everyone else!

CMash said... 2

Thank you Vicki...I will never forget how kind and patient you were with me and taking me under your wing. You definitely deserve it.

Bingo said... 3

Thank you so much, Cheryl! This means even more coming from you. I shall post about it when I can squeeze in some award time soon.

bermudaonion said... 4

Wow, I can't believe you and your sister in law have the same name! If you live close to each other, I bet that causes problems! Congratulations on your award! I'm so flattered that you've passed it on to me!

Svea Love said... 5

Congrats on your award! Have a great week :)

CMash said... 6

Thank you all. It is such an honor for me when I receive an award. I am humbled and appreciative especially since I am a new blogger and never expected to come so far in so little time. Because of that, I owe it to experienced bloggers who have been so kind and friendly. I was told by a couple of people I met in this blogging world when I first started, "book bloggers are the nicesst people" and they were RIGHT !! And for those that I passed this on deserve it...your blogs are great, even though my TBR list is to the roof lol. Putting on my bucket all my TBR books.

Unknown said... 7

Thanks so much for the award and thinking of me! Congrats on your award too :)

Yvonne said... 8

Thank you so much! Congrats to you as well!

Libby's Library News said... 9

Thank you so much for passing this on to me:-)
I rarely use my gmail account...but you can be sure that I'll be checking it out everyday now!
I've become a follower and plan to come back often. I'll let you know when I get my award post up. Thanks again!!!