Before getting to Wednesday's memes I would like to mention something that was in my newsletter subscriptions this morning.
TO: J. Kaye: Who I am sure all book bloggers know. I want to wish you luck as you start your journey in devoting your time into your passion of writing. Hoping that we all get to review your 1st published book. Personally, I would like to thank you. You have been very kind to me and have been an inspiration. You encouraged me when I questioned if I was ready to start reviewing and gave me the opportunity to be put on your referral list.
To Rachel: Welcome and Congratulations !!!! Home Girl's Book Blog, I am sure, will be a success !!!
Should Be Reading
*What are you currently reading?
A Note from an Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker (am enjoying!!!
*What did you recently finish reading?Now & Then by Jacqueline Sheehan (awesome....gave it a 5 rating)
*What do you think you’ll read next?
Starting Over by Andy Serwer
I am a little behind schedule due to activities of daily life (lol thinking reading should be the priority over mundane chores) but am determined to catch up !!!
Hosted by Bermudanonion's Weblog
conundrum ....solution to my literary conundrum......
A Note from an Old Acquaintance page 48
1. riddle whose answer is or involves a pun
2. question or problem having only a conjectural answerb. ban intricate and difficult problem

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