
April 30, 2010

Friday Blog Hop (2 of 5)

Hosted by Jennifer from CRAZY FOR BOOKS
Here are the instuctions from her site:
  Every day I seem to find another book blog that I start following. In the spirit of the Friday Follow, I thought it would be cool to do a Book Blog Hop to give us all bookies a chance to connect and find new blogs that we may be missing out on! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!
  So, if you'd like to participate, just repost this on your blog, sign MckLinky on her site, and check out other blogs in MckLinky! Let's connect and make new book bloggy friends!! So, if you consider yourself a book blogger, come join the fun!
  Pretty please - Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.


Kelly said...

Hi there, returning your hop, thanks so much for visiting my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Cmash, i didn't know you hopped as well?! Isn't it a lot of fun. Its always great to see a familiar face in the hop.

CMash said...

Kelly: Your welcome and thank you for becoming a follower.

Bookventures: Missed 3 weeks due to hospitalization...but am back a follower of your blog via Hop for a while now.

Tasha said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now a new follower...

Alee said...

I'm a new follower. I found you through the blog hop, such a great way to meet new friends!