Hope everyone is having a great weekend !!!!! This was going to be a very short posting. I admit, this week I went into a reading slump...just couldn't concentrate with what was weighing on my mind. I spent more time on the computer than I should have spent but it is what it is. Now that the decision for surgery has been made (I do feel that one weight is off my shoulders), I plan on taking my own advice and spending today doing nothing more than Relaxing and Reading !!!!!! I need to catch up. Am off to my "reading chair". Have a great Sunday !!!
January 31, 2010
Once again...I am amazed and humbled. I received another award, and again from an experienced blogger, which I am striving to become. J.Kaye over a J.Kaye's Book Blog (http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/) Thank you so much J.Kaye...it is greatly appreciated
Hope everyone is having a great weekend !!!!! This was going to be a very short posting. I admit, this week I went into a reading slump...just couldn't concentrate with what was weighing on my mind. I spent more time on the computer than I should have spent but it is what it is. Now that the decision for surgery has been made (I do feel that one weight is off my shoulders), I plan on taking my own advice and spending today doing nothing more than Relaxing and Reading !!!!!! I need to catch up. Am off to my "reading chair". Have a great Sunday !!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend !!!!! This was going to be a very short posting. I admit, this week I went into a reading slump...just couldn't concentrate with what was weighing on my mind. I spent more time on the computer than I should have spent but it is what it is. Now that the decision for surgery has been made (I do feel that one weight is off my shoulders), I plan on taking my own advice and spending today doing nothing more than Relaxing and Reading !!!!!! I need to catch up. Am off to my "reading chair". Have a great Sunday !!!
January 30, 2010
Challenge Wrapups
1. Lisa Jackson Challenge 5/10
2. Awesome Author 0/3
3. RYOB 1/10
4. Romance Challenge 0/3
5. EBook Challenge 1/6
6. Reading From My Shelves 4/20
7. Suspense/Thriller 5/12
8. Books Won Reading 1/6
9. 100+ Challenge 5/100
10. FOMA 1/10
11. A Buck A Book 5/100
I can't believe it is almost 3pm here in New England and I am just starting to post. I know I have decided that my weekends were going to be Relaxing and Reading. But today I seem to have one speed and it is reverse...going to try and at least go for neutral.
For those who have been following the blog segment that I started writing about as a cathartic means for me to cope with what I am physically facing, I made a decision yesterday.
After processing all the pros and cons and discussing those with family and friends, the decision was made. Ever since I looked at my x-rays, I knew, but on an emotional level didn't want to face. I made the phone call yesterday to start the process of being prepared for surgery. I will be getting more details this coming week but they told me that due to the doctor's surgical schedule and booking for the back to back surgery will probably not be until April. There is also special criteria for the "2 day surgery" which I will also get details of. So the decision has been made, the decision that I knew all along that was needed but frightened of. When personal medical decisions of this proportion need to be made, being a nurse and having the knowledge, makes it so much harder. So I am going to look on the bright side...that means a few more months of not being able to do much around the house and more time blogging and reading, and now I know that there will be a light at the end of this painful tunnel.
Hope everyone has a great weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!! And try to Relax and Read....it's fun !!!!!!
January 29, 2010
FRI #3 Another Award
OK...Did not expect that I would be posting again today but Beth at The Crazy Life of a Bookaholic Mom (http://bookaholicmom.blogspot.com) threw me a curve ball earlier today that I didn't see coming. She commented in 2 segments of my posts. One was for best wishes as I travel on my medical journey and then a 2nd comment to head over to "her place" to pick up an award. I am AMAZED...2 awards in a week.....and this one entitled "Prolific Writer". I was humbled when I saw who has received this award before me.....those experienced bloggers.....the ones I try to model and strive to be....I take this seriously....I won't let you down Beth.....and again Thank You for everything.

And now the criteria:
Here are the rules for the award
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (hoping I can get Mr. Linky to work)

And according to the rules....the torch is being passed......ready?.......you sure?...........to: (in no particular order)
1. Bermudaonion
2. Shhh, Im reading
3. Lesa's Book Critiques
4. My Cozy BookNook
5. Just One More Page
6. Find Your Next Book Here
7. Book Chick City
I have sent them an email and hoping they will enjoy their award as much as I have.

And now the criteria:
Here are the rules for the award
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (hoping I can get Mr. Linky to work)
And according to the rules....the torch is being passed......ready?.......you sure?...........to: (in no particular order)
1. Bermudaonion
2. Shhh, Im reading
3. Lesa's Book Critiques
4. My Cozy BookNook
5. Just One More Page
6. Find Your Next Book Here
7. Book Chick City
I have sent them an email and hoping they will enjoy their award as much as I have.
Fri #2
This is a day of fun filled Friday Memes and just found one more. What a great way to spend Fridays (esp not being able to do much else if you read my 1st Friday post) And today I am adding one more!!

Hosted by An Island Life http://islandlife808.com
From An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
What did you want to be when you "grew up" and did you choose that profession as an adult?
I would pretend I was a teacher and a doctor's secretary while sitting at my desk at home. And as an adult I chose and went to school to become a licensed RN, which I miss working due to the back problems.

1. Wouldn't it be easy if we all had a robot maid like the one on the cartoon "The Jetsons".
2. My prayer will be that if I have surgery, life will be better than ever!
3. I love the taste of double chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and marshmallow toppings.
4. The tv is on and the dog is on the couch in the living room.
5. The first thing we're going to do is hopefully go on vacation to Aruba, after surgery recuperation.
6. Someone didn't fully turn off the faucet and all I hear is drip, drip, drip; and it is driveing me crazy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with hubby as we both have had a bad week and maybe even throwing in my comfort food, a sundae from Friendly's, tomorrow my plans include laundry, blogging, reading, relaxing and Sunday, I want to be a couch potato and read!
This is a new meme that I found via Vicki's blog ReadingAtTheBeach.com You can always find something great on her blog !!!!! And her pictures are amazing.

Hosted by Storytime With Tonya and Friends http://storytimewithtonya.blogspot.com
* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Here's mine:
The trick was keeping your sanity. Prison was the safest place for him now.
From my current read Among Thieves by David Hosp

Hosted by Midday Escapades http://www.middayescapades.com/
Welcome to the third Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the celebration:
* Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add to one blog linky.
* Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. We will follow you back.
* Follow as many blogs as you like
* Comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
* Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow

Hosted by An Island Life http://islandlife808.com
From An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
What did you want to be when you "grew up" and did you choose that profession as an adult?
I would pretend I was a teacher and a doctor's secretary while sitting at my desk at home. And as an adult I chose and went to school to become a licensed RN, which I miss working due to the back problems.
1. Wouldn't it be easy if we all had a robot maid like the one on the cartoon "The Jetsons".
2. My prayer will be that if I have surgery, life will be better than ever!
3. I love the taste of double chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and marshmallow toppings.
4. The tv is on and the dog is on the couch in the living room.
5. The first thing we're going to do is hopefully go on vacation to Aruba, after surgery recuperation.
6. Someone didn't fully turn off the faucet and all I hear is drip, drip, drip; and it is driveing me crazy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with hubby as we both have had a bad week and maybe even throwing in my comfort food, a sundae from Friendly's, tomorrow my plans include laundry, blogging, reading, relaxing and Sunday, I want to be a couch potato and read!
This is a new meme that I found via Vicki's blog ReadingAtTheBeach.com You can always find something great on her blog !!!!! And her pictures are amazing.
Hosted by Storytime With Tonya and Friends http://storytimewithtonya.blogspot.com
* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Here's mine:
The trick was keeping your sanity. Prison was the safest place for him now.
From my current read Among Thieves by David Hosp
Hosted by Midday Escapades http://www.middayescapades.com/
Welcome to the third Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the celebration:
* Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add to one blog linky.
* Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. We will follow you back.
* Follow as many blogs as you like
* Comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
* Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow
Fri #1
First and more importantly, I want to thank those bloggy friends who have emailed me and asked what happened on Wednesday. Bless you for your kindness !!! I was planning on blogging about this "personal journal" item that I created to help me travel down this road. It is so overwhelming to me that my "new bloggy friends care so much" and are following this blog segment since it isn't "book" related. Again...THANK YOU...there are no words to describe what and how your kindness and genuine caring means to me (so sorry...but am tearing up right now...been doing that a lot since Wednesday). There will be 2 posts again today. After I post about this very difficult decision that I am facing (worse than I thought), I will be doing what I enjoy most and that are the daily memes that I have joined and gives me the chance to find more great blogs and meet more nice people. I will try to be as brief as I can with all the info I had to process.......so here goes:
On Wednesday I traveled to Boston for a consult (I was lucky to be seen) as this doc sees patients from the entire U.S. and performs surgery on patients with complicated cases, which I fall under. He is the 5th doc I have seen over the past few months (being a RN and knowing certain facts, I did not feel comfortable with what the previous 4 said). I liked him from the minute he walked into the room, introduced himself, and said give me a sec to look at the films, which I have a library of and like my book, go everywhere with me. However, the news went from good, bad, and absolutely terrifying. After looking at all the films (CTscan, myelogram,x-rays). His next words were "the good news is I can help you" (thinking...so there is a possible light at the end of this tunnel but it wouldn't be for another 2-3 months...that's his surgical schedule). His next sentence was "looking at you sitting here and then looking at these films, I would never believe the 2 go together. You have very severe problems (ok....Oh God...its worse than I thought). He then explained what needs to be done and stated a hospital stay of approx 5 days (thinking...5 days without reading my emails and blogging...my inbox will be overloaded and no blogging...oh no..wonder if I can bring my laptop....there are priorities in life lol) He also told me that if I didn't have surgery, my symptoms will be spiraling downward at a rapid rate due to what he sees on the films(ok..not good...can't imagine it getting any worse than it is now) And then it hit me...what he just explained about what he would do if I chose surgery. The 1st day he will be making a 5-6" abdominal incision to get at the front of my spine and injecting a protein gel that would create a false disc (for 5 levels) as there is no disc now, just bone on bone, vertebrae on vertebrae (forgot to ask the length of time I would be under anesthesia for this procedure..CRS moment), the next day...back on the OR table (did ask and was told at least 4 hrs and a large incision down my back due to where the damage is) removing the old hardware, try to remove some of the arthritis and scar tissue from last 3 operations, and placing a new rod and screws to the entire area of the lumbar spine. So there it all is....a very big decision. My brain is overloaded with all this but have put it in God's hands...he will help me decide what to do. And once I know...you will know.....and again thank you for caring.......to be continued.........

On Wednesday I traveled to Boston for a consult (I was lucky to be seen) as this doc sees patients from the entire U.S. and performs surgery on patients with complicated cases, which I fall under. He is the 5th doc I have seen over the past few months (being a RN and knowing certain facts, I did not feel comfortable with what the previous 4 said). I liked him from the minute he walked into the room, introduced himself, and said give me a sec to look at the films, which I have a library of and like my book, go everywhere with me. However, the news went from good, bad, and absolutely terrifying. After looking at all the films (CTscan, myelogram,x-rays). His next words were "the good news is I can help you" (thinking...so there is a possible light at the end of this tunnel but it wouldn't be for another 2-3 months...that's his surgical schedule). His next sentence was "looking at you sitting here and then looking at these films, I would never believe the 2 go together. You have very severe problems (ok....Oh God...its worse than I thought). He then explained what needs to be done and stated a hospital stay of approx 5 days (thinking...5 days without reading my emails and blogging...my inbox will be overloaded and no blogging...oh no..wonder if I can bring my laptop....there are priorities in life lol) He also told me that if I didn't have surgery, my symptoms will be spiraling downward at a rapid rate due to what he sees on the films(ok..not good...can't imagine it getting any worse than it is now) And then it hit me...what he just explained about what he would do if I chose surgery. The 1st day he will be making a 5-6" abdominal incision to get at the front of my spine and injecting a protein gel that would create a false disc (for 5 levels) as there is no disc now, just bone on bone, vertebrae on vertebrae (forgot to ask the length of time I would be under anesthesia for this procedure..CRS moment), the next day...back on the OR table (did ask and was told at least 4 hrs and a large incision down my back due to where the damage is) removing the old hardware, try to remove some of the arthritis and scar tissue from last 3 operations, and placing a new rod and screws to the entire area of the lumbar spine. So there it all is....a very big decision. My brain is overloaded with all this but have put it in God's hands...he will help me decide what to do. And once I know...you will know.....and again thank you for caring.......to be continued.........
January 28, 2010
Original Sin by Allison Brennan (Rating--4.5)
Published by The Random House
ISBN 978-0-345-51167-6
At the request of The Book Trib, a PB copy was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest review.
Synopsis: Moira O'Donnell conceived, for the sole purpose to become a human sacrifice for the underworld, flees from her mother's grasp. She finds refuge in the hills of Ireland learning the ways to stop this demonic state that her mother controls. She also learns and now knows the danger that mankind will experience if her mother isn't stopped Moira spends seven years traveling the world to locate her mother. There is only way to stop Fiona ODonnell, and that is murder. Along her travels, she teams up with a demonologist and a trusting sheriff, in small town, USA.
My Thoughts: I was very apprehensive when I first accepted this request as I have never read a book in the genre of paranormal. The author's imagination and writing style is nothing less than believable and at times I was questioning if there was some truth to this work of fiction. Add to that a fast paced action, mystery, love story and the war between good and evil. This was the first book that I had read of this author's but will not be my last.
My Opinion and Rating: I gave this book a Level 4.5 rating. It took approximately 6 chapters for me to get involved with the characters and true basis of the story line. There was some disappointment with the ending. I am, however, aware that this is the first book in a series of seven deadly sins, and will hopefully have some of my questions answered in the next installment that I have already placed on my "to be read" list.

Published by The Random House
ISBN 978-0-345-51167-6
At the request of The Book Trib, a PB copy was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest review.
Synopsis: Moira O'Donnell conceived, for the sole purpose to become a human sacrifice for the underworld, flees from her mother's grasp. She finds refuge in the hills of Ireland learning the ways to stop this demonic state that her mother controls. She also learns and now knows the danger that mankind will experience if her mother isn't stopped Moira spends seven years traveling the world to locate her mother. There is only way to stop Fiona ODonnell, and that is murder. Along her travels, she teams up with a demonologist and a trusting sheriff, in small town, USA.
My Thoughts: I was very apprehensive when I first accepted this request as I have never read a book in the genre of paranormal. The author's imagination and writing style is nothing less than believable and at times I was questioning if there was some truth to this work of fiction. Add to that a fast paced action, mystery, love story and the war between good and evil. This was the first book that I had read of this author's but will not be my last.
My Opinion and Rating: I gave this book a Level 4.5 rating. It took approximately 6 chapters for me to get involved with the characters and true basis of the story line. There was some disappointment with the ending. I am, however, aware that this is the first book in a series of seven deadly sins, and will hopefully have some of my questions answered in the next installment that I have already placed on my "to be read" list.
I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my HONEST review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold...they are kept by me,
or given to family or friends.
There will be 2 postings today. I will be posting a book review later today. I have a lot to post about so need 2, maybe 3, installments.
My morning routine. Boot up the laptop, grab my mug of coffee and read my newsletters/emails. Sign into my blog, read my google reader and start commenting on sites that posted something that caught my attention. Today, however, I woke with an unclear mind and dread as I am still trying to process all that was said at yesterday's orthopedic consult (more on that later). And sorry to repeat but it is so true....my mantra that I live by is that “everything happens for a reason….and we don’t ask why…just know it is to be”. Vicki over at Reading At The Beach (readingatthebeach.com) signed up for a 2010 challenge "365 Photo Project" where she posts a different picture every day. The pictures that she is posting are phenomenal and I have been commenting almost every day because they are so beautiful. Which is what I was going to do this morning. So I head on over for a visit and before I got to her photo, I found another posting that FLOORED ME. She has presented me with another award...and so fitting due to my mental state this morning. She has been such a friend and mentor to me and then to receive another award is overwhelming. The awad is the "HAPPY 101". There is criteria that I will be posting on next. But first....THANK YOU VICKI !!!!! You are too kind !!!!!!

This is a two part award.
First I list ten things that make me happy and then pass this along to 10 blogs that make me happy.
What makes me happy:
1. My hubby
2. My 2 fantastic sons and their girlfriends, "my daughters".
3. All other members of our family
4. My friends
5. A great mystery
6. A large Friendly's 5 scoop sundae
7. The start of Spring and warm weather
8. Sitting by the pool and having "bonding reading time" with hubby
9. Vacations (which we are due)Cruise or Aruba
10.Book blogging and meeting so many awesome "new friends".
So what blogs make me happy: (in no particular order)
1. J. Kayes Book Blog
2. Bookin' With Bingo
3. Xmas Dolly
4. Rundpinne
5. Bermudaonion
6. Book Reviews by Bobbie
7. My Cozy Booknook
8. Find Your Next Book Here
9. Bibliophile By The Sea
10. Lori's Reading Corner
I pass this on to you. And thank you for having great blogs !!!! I could only pick 10 but there are so many other blogs that make me happy.
I just decided.......today I am going to enjoy this award and make this my "Happy 101 Award" day and post about "My Medical Jouney" on a later post, which is probably better as there is so much to process. My mantra, has done right by me again. Thank you VICKI !!!!

Today's question:
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings?
My favorite genre is mystery/suspense so I love unexpected endings!!! What I don't like are plots that are complicated and/or detailed espionage. I lose interest with that type of book.
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite?
I was given a book to read by my "Book Buddy" Jess, my son's gf because I had said that I had never read anything by Jodi Picoult. She gave me My Sister's Keeper. I have to say that this book, with its ending, I never saw coming. This was definitely my favorite "surprise ending" read. Highly recommend.

My morning routine. Boot up the laptop, grab my mug of coffee and read my newsletters/emails. Sign into my blog, read my google reader and start commenting on sites that posted something that caught my attention. Today, however, I woke with an unclear mind and dread as I am still trying to process all that was said at yesterday's orthopedic consult (more on that later). And sorry to repeat but it is so true....my mantra that I live by is that “everything happens for a reason….and we don’t ask why…just know it is to be”. Vicki over at Reading At The Beach (readingatthebeach.com) signed up for a 2010 challenge "365 Photo Project" where she posts a different picture every day. The pictures that she is posting are phenomenal and I have been commenting almost every day because they are so beautiful. Which is what I was going to do this morning. So I head on over for a visit and before I got to her photo, I found another posting that FLOORED ME. She has presented me with another award...and so fitting due to my mental state this morning. She has been such a friend and mentor to me and then to receive another award is overwhelming. The awad is the "HAPPY 101". There is criteria that I will be posting on next. But first....THANK YOU VICKI !!!!! You are too kind !!!!!!
This is a two part award.
First I list ten things that make me happy and then pass this along to 10 blogs that make me happy.
What makes me happy:
1. My hubby
2. My 2 fantastic sons and their girlfriends, "my daughters".
3. All other members of our family
4. My friends
5. A great mystery
6. A large Friendly's 5 scoop sundae
7. The start of Spring and warm weather
8. Sitting by the pool and having "bonding reading time" with hubby
9. Vacations (which we are due)Cruise or Aruba
10.Book blogging and meeting so many awesome "new friends".
So what blogs make me happy: (in no particular order)
1. J. Kayes Book Blog
2. Bookin' With Bingo
3. Xmas Dolly
4. Rundpinne
5. Bermudaonion
6. Book Reviews by Bobbie
7. My Cozy Booknook
8. Find Your Next Book Here
9. Bibliophile By The Sea
10. Lori's Reading Corner
I pass this on to you. And thank you for having great blogs !!!! I could only pick 10 but there are so many other blogs that make me happy.
I just decided.......today I am going to enjoy this award and make this my "Happy 101 Award" day and post about "My Medical Jouney" on a later post, which is probably better as there is so much to process. My mantra, has done right by me again. Thank you VICKI !!!!
Today's question:
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings?
My favorite genre is mystery/suspense so I love unexpected endings!!! What I don't like are plots that are complicated and/or detailed espionage. I lose interest with that type of book.
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite?
I was given a book to read by my "Book Buddy" Jess, my son's gf because I had said that I had never read anything by Jodi Picoult. She gave me My Sister's Keeper. I have to say that this book, with its ending, I never saw coming. This was definitely my favorite "surprise ending" read. Highly recommend.
January 27, 2010
Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com
*What are you currently reading?
Among Thieves by David Hosp
*What did you recently finish reading?
Original Sin by Allison Brennan
*What do you think you’ll read next?
Doors Open by Ian Rankin
Hosted by Bermudanonion's Weblog http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com
I just finished Original Sin by Allison Brennan. There were 2 words that I wasn't familiar with. But when I went to look them up there were no definitions for these words. Am thinking that they were just part of the story and the reader was to interpret, which I will do now.
Conoscenza--Book of spells
arca--human container of demons.....sacrifice
I just read one of morning subscribed newsletter from Rundpinne Blog (http://www.rundpinne.com/) and she posted a picture of many, many books of hers. I gasped when I saw the piles (lol). So my question is... and hopefully experienced bloggers will share with me their knowledge and tricks of the trade. I recently added my name to accept requests for reviews. I am enjoying every facet of this world of book blogging. However, I am a little behind in reading and getting a little anxious as I have 7 books waiting to be read and reviewed. How do you catch up when activities of daily living still need to be done, do authors/publishers have a time limit, do you post about books before you read them (ex: give the bookjacket synopsis when you receive each book or do you post about the book when done reading/reviewing.? Any comments, suggestions, tips would be appreciated.
Well...today is here and I am having a lot of anxiety. Not knowing is so very hard. Hopefully I will get some answers today but then if I do, I will have to make some very big decisions and only I can do that. And to make matters even harder, hubby isn't going with me. He is so torn about today but he has a very high level meeting that he could not get out of. I am lucky to be blessed with a very good friend. When I told her the situation she got out her appointment book, she is a nail technician, crossed off the day and then called her part-time job and asked to be taken off the schedule. The saying goes that God gives us angels and they are called friends. Since we are driving to another state for this appoinment we are planning to make it a "girl's day". And she will have pen and steno pad in hand to let hubby know everything that happens. Sorry to those that are reading this because I am rambling which I tend to do, especially when "nervous". To my BFF..Thank You
January 26, 2010
Hosted by Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com/
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
"Well, I can tell you that you're not possessed and you're not under a spell. If you were cursed, we'd know it here, in this room."
Original Sin by Allison Brennana page 235
I enjoy the daily memes...it's a great way to meet other book bloggers..... and am always looking for more. Molly at My Cozy Book Nook (http://mycozybooknook.blogspot.com/) introduced me to this next meme which sounds like fun. This will be my first posting for It's Tuesday, Where Are You?
Hosted By An Adventure In Reading http://raidergirl3-anadventureinreading.blogspot.com/
Today I am in Santa Louisa, California helping Moira locate her mother, a witch of black magic.
Tomorrow is the day that I have the consult with the orthopedic surgeon who supposedly takes on patients with complex issues. According to his web site, it states "that he evaluates patients from all over the U.S". I have to say that I am very ambivilent regarding this appointment and anxiety is starting to kick in. Out of 3 options that were given to me, this is the one that I didn't want to be the solution of my problem. Depending if he can help me, I will have to make a huge decision that is terrifying to me. Another fusion (#4), which another doctor told me would be risky and complicated or continue living with this pain and not being able to have a good quality of life? Do I take the chance of another fusion with so much scar tissue built up since last fusion? We shall see.....
January 25, 2010
Hosted by Just One More Page http://rebeccavoy.blogspot.com/
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about borrowed books.
Where do you keep any books borrowed from friends or the library? Do they live with your own collection, or do you keep them separate? Do you monitor them in anyway.
Books I have borrowed are put in my bookcase along with all my other TBR books, however I put a sticky post on the cover so I know who belongs with what. And the ones I request and check out from the library gets downloaded to my ereader.
Hosted by J.Kaye's Book Blog http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com
*Books Completed Last Week:
Invisible Boy by Cornelia Read
*Books I Gave Up On:
*Books I Am Currently Reading/Listening To:
*Books I Need To Write Reviews On:
Caught Up
*Up Next:
Doors Open by Ian Rankin
Among Thieves by David Hosp
Death of a Valentine by M. C Beaton
Hosted by The Printed Page http://printedpage.us/
*False Convictions by Tim Green (requested review Hachette Book Group)
*Now & Then by Jacqueline Sheehan (requested review Mr. Frank Daniels)
*Venom by Joan Brady (gift from Simon & Schuster via Book Chick City Blog Site for challenge)
January 24, 2010
First, I would like to formally Welcome the newest members of this blog

On Friday while I was catching up with my Google Reader I saw that Midday Escapades Blog was hosting a meme, Friday Follow. It's a "blog hop" where you visit other sites that have also signed up and become followers of each other's blog. I was introduced to many different blogs of all varities that I probably would never have known about. Due to the variety, I feel that I am now a "well rounded blogger. So to those who took the time to stop by...Thank You.
Yesterday was very productive....I accomplished more than I thought I would. I made some changes to my blog...a smaller button instead of the larger one I had. So for those kind and thoughtful bloggers who had grabbed the big one...this is for you. And if anyone else decides to grab the new button...thank you. I have been thinking about creating an email subscription for a while. My routine in the morning is to boot up, grab my coffe mug and read all my newsletters which I look forward to and know that this way I won't miss anything. When I started following blogs I would send off an email and ask if I could be put on the "mailing list" (thats how little I knew about blogging. I would be honored and delighted if you would like to subscribe to my blog. I also wrote some posting drafts for this week (learned that trick with reading posts of those who joined in for the Bloggiesta Weekend). Hubby was on his laptop, working from home, so it was quiet and I read for hours. It definitely was a Relax and Read Saturday !!!!!
How has your weekend been? How was your Saturday? Any plans for today? This morning we are taking my mother-in-law out for a bday brunch (she would strangle me if she knew I posted about her bday). Hoping there is a football game on later this afternoon (can you tell I am not a sports fan) because if there is, Yippppeeeee, hubby and son will be watching and I will get to read peacefully. Have a relaxing Sunday......and Happy Reading !


On Friday while I was catching up with my Google Reader I saw that Midday Escapades Blog was hosting a meme, Friday Follow. It's a "blog hop" where you visit other sites that have also signed up and become followers of each other's blog. I was introduced to many different blogs of all varities that I probably would never have known about. Due to the variety, I feel that I am now a "well rounded blogger. So to those who took the time to stop by...Thank You.
Yesterday was very productive....I accomplished more than I thought I would. I made some changes to my blog...a smaller button instead of the larger one I had. So for those kind and thoughtful bloggers who had grabbed the big one...this is for you. And if anyone else decides to grab the new button...thank you. I have been thinking about creating an email subscription for a while. My routine in the morning is to boot up, grab my coffe mug and read all my newsletters which I look forward to and know that this way I won't miss anything. When I started following blogs I would send off an email and ask if I could be put on the "mailing list" (thats how little I knew about blogging. I would be honored and delighted if you would like to subscribe to my blog. I also wrote some posting drafts for this week (learned that trick with reading posts of those who joined in for the Bloggiesta Weekend). Hubby was on his laptop, working from home, so it was quiet and I read for hours. It definitely was a Relax and Read Saturday !!!!!
How has your weekend been? How was your Saturday? Any plans for today? This morning we are taking my mother-in-law out for a bday brunch (she would strangle me if she knew I posted about her bday). Hoping there is a football game on later this afternoon (can you tell I am not a sports fan) because if there is, Yippppeeeee, hubby and son will be watching and I will get to read peacefully. Have a relaxing Sunday......and Happy Reading !
January 23, 2010
My week in review......this week seems like it flew by. I did get a few things accomplished but I also had some days where the fibromyalgia kicked in and put me down. I also had a couple of wasted days (more on that later in this post). I didn't do much reading and feeling very guilty about this because I have a pile of books that are in my TBR review pile and more books were delivered this week. Does this ever happen to you? How do you catch up? Any tips would be appreciated. Maybe it's just my personality that I am feeling this way. But today is going to be dedicated to reading. I am coming down with a cold
and plan on getting comfy on the couch with my afghan, a cup of coffee and my book.
My days this week that I considered "wasted" were due to MY
JOURNEY. (To my new followers....I decided to use this forum as a personal journal to help me deal with this important and terrifying (to me) chapter in my life). Once again I spent many hours on the phone this week trying to get things in place and the appointment confirmed for my surgical consult scheduled for this coming Wednesday. I can not believe the sad state that our medical system is in. It was on Jan. 4th when I was referred to this specialist and it was not confirmed until yesterday. Hours spent on the phone trying to get the proper prior authorization in place. Wasting time on the phone with insurace company, referring doctors and the doctor I have yet to be seen by. Remember the days when you picked up the phone, dialed, and the appointment was made? I know I have been out of the medical field for a while but what happened to "the patient" being the priority? Now what is foremost are the regulations, paper work, and lets not forget, the dollar amount associated with the consult. I just hope that with all that went into making this appointment, that this doctor can help and is specialized in complex cases. Will be posting more on this after my appointment.
And for all my new followers.....Thank you.....and on the weekend....pick up a good book...reading is and can be fun..... and dedicate your weekends to:

Relax and Read !!!!!

My week in review......this week seems like it flew by. I did get a few things accomplished but I also had some days where the fibromyalgia kicked in and put me down. I also had a couple of wasted days (more on that later in this post). I didn't do much reading and feeling very guilty about this because I have a pile of books that are in my TBR review pile and more books were delivered this week. Does this ever happen to you? How do you catch up? Any tips would be appreciated. Maybe it's just my personality that I am feeling this way. But today is going to be dedicated to reading. I am coming down with a cold
My days this week that I considered "wasted" were due to MY
And for all my new followers.....Thank you.....and on the weekend....pick up a good book...reading is and can be fun..... and dedicate your weekends to:
Relax and Read !!!!!
January 22, 2010
I look forward to the daily memes that I have joined and posted them a few minutes ago. Then started reading my google reader....and I saw an article posted by Midday Escapades and called Friday Follow. Sounds like fun so am going to join this one too. Here are the rules:

Welcome to the second Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the celebration:
* Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add to one blog linky.
* Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
* Follow as many blogs as you like
* Comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
* Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow

Welcome to the second Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the celebration:
* Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add to one blog linky.
* Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
* Follow as many blogs as you like
* Comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
* Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow
Friday 1/22
Hosted by An Island Life http://islandlife808.com
From An Island Life: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
My question is:
Do you always sign in with google friend connect when visiting a blog or just read the posts and not sign in....why or why not?
1. You have a chance to win the lottery...NOT!!!.
2. I need a 2nd cup of coffee right now!
3. There is a God.
4. Buy now and pay later.
5. It's time to organize Lily Laptop's folders, documents, favorite places and pictures for my blog so I can find items easier.
6. The balloon boy was thought to be up in the air but it was a hoax.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to organize this computer, tomorrow my plans include laundry, filling out the necessary paperwork for my orthopedic surgical consult for Wednesday, reading and relaxing and Sunday, I want to relax and read after going out with the family for brunch for my mother-in-law's bday!
Was it just a month or two ago that my personal challenge was to enter into book bloggers challenges? Well...I met that goal...and then some lol. I just signed up for my 11th challenge...did I just type 11...ok Mash...you met your personal challenge.!!!!! I had to sign up and you might want to too when you hear the criteria. It is being hosted by DelGal's Book Reviews at http://delgalreviews.blogspot.com/ A Buck A Book Challenge. And these are the instructions:
Wish you could some how be rewarded for all the time and effort you put in completing reading challenges, (of course other than your own personal satisfaction, which be no means should be devalued!)
Well, why not read a plethora of books, and just pay yourself for a job well done
BUT, here's the "catch", you MUST physically take a dollar and save it somewhere safe where it won't be spent, every time you complete a book. At the end of the year, your total money saved will be the total amount of books read, .
Now, once Dec 31 comes, you're must spend this saved money on something fun just for yourself (no paying bills, no buying gifts for someone else!), to begin the next year... Maybe more books for the new year? A nice dinner out to celebrate reading? The possibilities are endless! Finally, once this challenge completes on Dec 31st, please let your blog fans, and fellow challenge participants, know what you decided to spend your money on by posting whatever it may be. In short - put aside a dollar for each book you read. Post in the comment section your progress if you don't have a blog, or a link to your blog. At the end of the year update us as to what you did with your saved money. That's it!
How could I pass on this challenge? What about you? I can already see the $$$$ adding up especially since I signed up for J.Kaye's 100+ challenge.
January 21, 2010
Today's Question: Who’s your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? The one you want to evangelize for, the one you would run popularity campaigns for? The author that, so far as you’re concerned, everyone should be reading–but that nobody seems to have heard of. You know, not JK Rowling, not Jane Austen, not Hemingway–everybody’s heard of them. The author that you think should be that famous and can’t understand why they’re not…
I have two authors that I was introduced to since I started blogging. One author I won her books from The Suspense Zone and the other author, the publisher sent me his book for review. Both authors' writing are exceptional and their characters came to life whereas you wanted to be friends with and root for. I will name them in the order that I read:
Amy Wallace wrote The Defenders of Hope Triology. I read all three books and was disappointed when I finished as I wanted the story to continue. The characters and story line was so believable and touching. When I catch up with reviews I will be reading her other books.
Crossing The Bridge by Michael Baron. Another brilliant author. I could relate to his characters as they went through so many trials in their lives. Mr. Baron has another book that will be released in May titled The Journey Home and I plan on reading it as soon as I can get it in hand.
I highly recommend both authors especially if you enjoy reading romantic suspense books.
I don't know about you.....but I totally enjoy "daily memes"....what a great way to meet more bloggers and find new sites. However on Tuesday and Thursday, I only have one for each day. I am on the search to find some more. So if anyone has any suggestions, even for other days, that I might have missed and sound like fun, please send them my way !!!!!! I am off to do some PI work for memes. Have a great Thursday !!!!
January 20, 2010
Hosted by Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com/
**What are you currently reading?
Original Sin by Allison Brennan
**What did you recently finish reading?
Watchlist Based On An Idea by Jeffrey Deaver
Invisible Boy by Cornelia Read
**What do you think you’ll read next?
Among Thieves by David Hosp
Hosted By Bermudanonion's Weblog http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com
"Our main ingriedient is just charisma, Astrid, the very quintessence of ephemerality".
1. 1lasting one day only - an ∼ fever
2. 2lasting a very short time - ∼ pleasures
"Out there, however, it's a GD crap shoot. Entropy...chaos".
a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the systembroadlythe degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system
Both words from Invisible Boy by Cornelia Read
January 19, 2010
I have sent an email to those bloggers that I have passed this award to. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did. I felt so honored and humble when I received mine yesterday. Here are those blogs that I have enjoyed visiting, reading reviews, enjoyed the graphics and overall appearance (in no particular order):
**Pudgy Penguins Perusals
**Xmas Dolly
**Peeking Between The Pages
**So many precious books, so little time
2010 Challenge #10 12x12
Another challenge...I couldn't resist especially since I plan on reading a lot, wanting to get close to or even be able to complete in J.Kaye's Book Blog challenge of 100+, and I found this new challenge from J.Kaye's Blog.
Read a fictional novel every month and a different blog hosts it every month. Here is the link for this challenge: http://livebythefoma.blogspot.com/2010/01/national-just-read-more-novels-month.html
The rules are whatever you want to make of them, but here are the guidelines the creator of NaJuReMoNoMo goes by:
The rules are whatever you want to make of them, but here are the guidelines I go by:
Must Be A Novel. Works of fiction only, please. Memoirs, non-fiction, how-to books, and Garfield collections don't count.
Memoirs Aren't Novels. No matter how made up the story, anything ostensibly true isn't a novel. Also known as The James Frey Rule.
Start and Finish in January. I guess if you got some cool books for Christmas, Hanukkah or some other gift-giving event and jumped the gun, you can't be blamed. But I only count books I start and finish within the 31 day window.
Re-reading Doesn't Count. Try something new. Read something by your favorite author or try an entirely new author or tackle that novel you have always wanted to read.
Have Fun. Nobody is grading you or paying you or judging you. Read what you like and like what you read.
I am still on cloud 9 from yesterday when I was honored with a blog award from Vicki over at ReadingAtTheBeach.com. It states that I am to pass on this award so I will be notifying and posting those blogs a little later. It is going to be difficult to choose which ones since I have so many great sites to choose from.

Hosted by Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
The movement had sounded too big for a rat. Then, a faint sob, so faint she wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't listening with every cell in her body.
From Original Sin by Allison Brennan page 272

Hosted by Should Be Reading http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
The movement had sounded too big for a rat. Then, a faint sob, so faint she wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't listening with every cell in her body.
From Original Sin by Allison Brennan page 272
January 18, 2010
OMG !!!!!!
I received this beautiful award today !!!! My first !!!!!!!! It brought a huge smile to my face and sincere and happy tears to my eyes. Vicki from ReadingAtTheBeach.com passed this award on to me. Honestly, this award is half Vicki's.

When I stumbled onto a book blog a few months ago, it inspired me to create a page, which at the time, was going to be a personal diary of books I read. There were a few sites that I would visit and read the reviews. But then I started to read more and it sounded that it would be fun to join in on memes and challenges. I am honest in saying that I am not computer savvy and had many, many questions. And I found such a kind, patient, and giving person in Vicki. She would assist and explain and she never made me feel as if I was bothering her. I considered her a new friend.
She had told me once in an email...that book bloggers were going to be the nicest people that I met. She was right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Vicki............

When I stumbled onto a book blog a few months ago, it inspired me to create a page, which at the time, was going to be a personal diary of books I read. There were a few sites that I would visit and read the reviews. But then I started to read more and it sounded that it would be fun to join in on memes and challenges. I am honest in saying that I am not computer savvy and had many, many questions. And I found such a kind, patient, and giving person in Vicki. She would assist and explain and she never made me feel as if I was bothering her. I considered her a new friend.
She had told me once in an email...that book bloggers were going to be the nicest people that I met. She was right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Vicki............
Mystery Read-A-Thon Wrap Up:
Yesterday was a great day. I never have enjoyed football as I did yesterday. My hubby and son were in front of the TV watching some game...don't ask me who since I wasn't wathcing...but it gave me hours of uninterrupted reading time. I met goals that I was hoping to. They were:
**I read for 6 1/2 hours
**Finished one book
**Started another
**Wrote a review
Thank goodness for Sunday Football !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hosted by Just One More Page http://rebeccavoy.blogspot.com/
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tidy reading around people.
When is it inappropriate to read in front of others? Is it ever appropriate?
My Opinion:
I think the only times that it is inappropriate and/or rude is if a person is entertaining company and/or visiting someone (unless it is predetermined that reading was scheduled) Example: This past summer friends would visit to lay by the pool. We would converse but it was stated that those who are book buddies, would be bringing books with plans of visiting, relaxing and reading. For those who are not readers, I would not read, but that doesn't mean that I would have liked to.

Hosted by J.Kaye's Book Blog http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/
*Books Completed Last Week:
Invisible Boy by Cornelia Read
Watchlist Based On An Idea by Jeffrey Deaver
*Books I Gave Up On:
*Books I Am Currently Reading/Listening To:
Original Sin by Allison Brennan
*Books I Need To Write Reviews On:
*Up Next:
Doors Open by Ian Rankin

Hosted by The Printed Page http://printedpage.us/
Mailbox was full this week...I have a lot of reading to do!!

Yesterday was a great day. I never have enjoyed football as I did yesterday. My hubby and son were in front of the TV watching some game...don't ask me who since I wasn't wathcing...but it gave me hours of uninterrupted reading time. I met goals that I was hoping to. They were:
**I read for 6 1/2 hours
**Finished one book
**Started another
**Wrote a review
Thank goodness for Sunday Football !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hosted by Just One More Page http://rebeccavoy.blogspot.com/
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about tidy reading around people.
When is it inappropriate to read in front of others? Is it ever appropriate?
My Opinion:
I think the only times that it is inappropriate and/or rude is if a person is entertaining company and/or visiting someone (unless it is predetermined that reading was scheduled) Example: This past summer friends would visit to lay by the pool. We would converse but it was stated that those who are book buddies, would be bringing books with plans of visiting, relaxing and reading. For those who are not readers, I would not read, but that doesn't mean that I would have liked to.
Hosted by J.Kaye's Book Blog http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/
*Books Completed Last Week:
Invisible Boy by Cornelia Read
Watchlist Based On An Idea by Jeffrey Deaver
*Books I Gave Up On:
*Books I Am Currently Reading/Listening To:
Original Sin by Allison Brennan
*Books I Need To Write Reviews On:
*Up Next:
Doors Open by Ian Rankin
Hosted by The Printed Page http://printedpage.us/
Mailbox was full this week...I have a lot of reading to do!!
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