
June 19, 2011

Sunday's Shining Star

To all those Dads out there, I wish you a very Happy Father's Day!!!  And for those Dads who have passed, I think I can speak for many since I fall into this category, even though you aren't here to celebrate, we celebrate today with the memories we hold dear in our hearts. 

I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young'ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people (some I now call friends) through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest.
I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that "book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are" and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those "nicest bloggers" around and about bloggyland a little bit better.

Ladies, we are on our own today.  Seeing that it is Father's Day, Jeff and Steve (Lori aka Dollycas's Thoughts hubby and mine) have requested today off....Men!!  Any excuse not to attend our "gab sessions" lol.

I am quite excited about today's guest.  She is a relatively new blogger but it seems like she has been at it for years.  I will be very surprised if you haven't seen her around bloggyland, because it appears she does a lot of visiting.  I can't wait to get to know her better, I hope you do too.  Today's guest is MARY ANN from TRIBUTE BOOKS MAMA

*When and why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in October 2010 in order to help my daughter promote her business, Tribute Books (

*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
Answered in question 1

*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
The main content of my blog is reviews of books, movies and tv shows.

*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
Historical fiction, paranormal & young adult

*How often do you post?
I post everyday.

*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
Being in touch with other bloggers.

BWS tips button

*What are some of the negatives?
Having a lot of people enter my book giveaways - I'd like to have more than 4 or 5 people enter them on a regular basis.

*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
(1) My book review of Laney: The Brookhaven Vampires

(2) My movie review of The King's Speech

(3) My tv show review of Dexter

*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Keep doing it as often as you can. Stick with it!

*What draws you to follow someone's blog?
Quality content and frequent updates. GIveaways are a plus too.

*Do you have any "pet peeves" that other bloggers do?
Leaving a copy/paste repetitive comment during a blog hop. I'm guilty of it too from time to time.

*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the "real" you!!
1. My favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I gave my childhood copy from the 1950s to my daughter when she was a girl.

2. No movie made me laugh harder in a public theater than Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson in Anger Management.

3. My favorite Broadway play of all-time is Les Miserables. I saw it in 1996 with fourth row orchestra seats with Ricky Martin as Marius.

4. I am a Vera Bradley fanatic. I must have close to 10 purses in the Betsy style.

5. I like to watch QVC although it gets my credit card in trouble. Lisa Robertson is my favorite host.

6. I like Philosophy skin care/bath products. Cinnamon Buns 3-in-1 shower creme is the best.

7. I am thankful I was able to buy myself a new car this year - a white 2010 Chevy Cobalt.

Thank you Mary Ann for being my guest today and sharing a little bit of yourself with all of us.  As all of you can see she is a very proud and dedicated Mother in assisting her daughter, Nicole, with her business.  And as passionate as she is about books, she is with movies and TV.  I am not a big TV watcher, but at times may turn into American Idol or shows of that nature.  If I miss a show, I know where to get the scoop!!!  Passing her copy of Little Women to her daughter!!!  That surely makes her a Shining Star!!!!  Congratulations and Good Luck with your new car!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Mary Ann as your Shining Star, Cheryl. I've seen her all around and have known Nicole for quite some time. Any lover of LITTLE WOMEN is a friend of mine. :-)

bermudaonion said...

Mary Ann is wonderful! I had no idea her daughter owns Tribute Books!

Gigi Ann said...

I have followed Mary Ann's blog for quite awhile. I agree with her pet peeve, however, I am not guilty of it, but, I'm sure it saves alot of time. I enjoyed learning more about Mary Ann, and congrats to her daughter. Up until today I thought Mary Ann was the founder of Tribute Books, but I stand corrected.

TheBookGirl said...

I love this new Sunday get-together idea Cheryl...
I enjoyed MaryAnn's interview; it's nice to learn more about the person behind the blog :)

Marce said...

Don't keep the credit cards next to you when watching QVC Mary Ann :-)

She is great at visiting everyone during memes, that is how I found her.

Yvonne said...

Congrats Mary Ann! I love your blog!

Nise' said...

Les Miz and Philosophy....we are kindred spirits!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheryl,
I thought I'd stop in this week and check out another Shining Star!
Have a great week.

Carol said...

Great to find out more about you, Mary Ann.
Already a follower.

One of my ambitions is to be able to buy a brand new car. Congrats on reaching your goal!

Thank you again, Cheryl, for another shining star


Anonymous said...

Kay- Thank-you for your nice comment.

Bermudaonion- Yes, she does.

GiGi Ann- Yes, I do see we follow each other quite a bit.

The book girl- I am so glad you enjoyed the interview.

Marce- Oh! you are so right lol.

Yvonne- thank you so much.

Nise'- Yes we are.

Brenda- Thanks! for stopping by.

Dizzy C- thanks! for following.

Tribute Books said...

Cheryl - thank you so much for featuring my Mom as one of your shining stars. I can't tell you how happy it made her. I really like your approach to your Sunday features - I can remember spending many a weekend with my family - I wish we had the great Italian food from your table though! You're right it seems sadly as if times have changed. Thank you for trying to recapture that feeling with your fellow book bloggers.

And thanks to everyone who left a comment for my Mom - it really made her day!

dollycas aka Lori said...

oops, sorry I missed the party, that man of mine requested I take the day off as well, Kaden was with his dad, the other kids were all gone or working, we enjoyed some quality time just reading, watching the race and me sitting in the swig while he puttered in the yard. Off to check out Mary Ann's blog, better late than never :)