
November 5, 2011

2012 Challenges

A Novel Challenge

The other day I had my kick off for the 2012 Challenges.  I admitted that, yes, I am addicted to books and challenges.  And while stalking the above site, I also realized I am addicted to the challenge buttons.  I'm in trouble!!!!!  The next 2 months are going to be hard.  Especially since I put in such a bad year with reading and challenges.  Yesterday, since I can't physically do fall cleaning, I did fall blog cleaning, and removed the 2011 challenges that I didn't even make a dent in on my Challenge Page and started my 2012 Challenge Page.

I don't know if it's hopeful thinking, just the excitement of seeing all the new challenges and different buttons, wanting to close this book of 2011 and starting a fresh and fun book for 2012, BUT, I'm ready.  So from today on, every Saturday, I will be posting what challenges, I have added during the week.

And I am hoping that you tell me which ones you decided to participate in for 2 reasons.  One so we can encourage each other and two, in case I missed out on any lol.

So besides my kick off, I am also adding:

Challenge–2012 “Bucket List” Book Reading Challenge

The 2012 "Bucket List" Reading Challenge is the challenge to sign up for if YOU have a list of books that you are dying to read but just haven't gotten to them yet.  The rules are simple for this challenge and I've also included a couple of sample "Bucket" Lists to provide a good starting point.  NOTE:  The link titled "Bucket List" Books is a list that I created and if you would like to add books to that list I encourage you to.
1. Challenge starts on January 1, 2012 and goes until December 31, 2012.
2. You don't need a blog to participate.
3. Create a "sign up" post and link to the linky below.
4. There are 4 levels to this challenge....
      a. The Mini Cooper level - 4 "bucket" list books
      b. The Mid-sized Sedan level - 8 "bucket" list books
      c. The Pick Up level - 12 "bucket" list books
      d. The Semi level - 13 or more "bucket" list books

NOTE:  I am adding a stipulation to this challenge.  If you originally decided to start small with the Mini Cooper level and decide to upgrade that is fine.  But once you decide to go big you can NOT downgrade.

5. Each month a review link will be posted.  Please feel free to link up your reviews where ever you happen to post them...your blog, goodreads,Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.
Sample "Bucket" Lists:

I am already up to 7 challenges!!!  And there are approximately 5 or 6 that I participated in last year and have my fingers crossed that those bloggers will host those challenges again.  So I sit waiting patiently, checking daily, oh....ok...a few times a see if those challenges are posted yet.  I told you I am excited to start 2012 for many reasons.  And one of them is to restore my reading habits.

So now I ask you...have you started signing up?  How many?  Are there some you are waiting for?  Are you getting excited for the new challenges to start?  Would love to hear or am I the only challenge and badge addict?


Gigi Ann said...

OK Cheryl, YOU WON! I couldn't pass up the challenge over at Bev's at My Reader's Block. I joined the Mount of TBR challenge this morning. It sounds like one I would like to try. Maybe I can eat away at my Mounting pile of TBR books in 2012.

Enjoy all of your challenges.

Bev Hankins said...

You and I (and Gina) are all in trouble this year. Is it just me or are the buttons getting cooler?

Here's my list so far:
1. Reading Challenge Addict Challenge
2. Getting Lost in a Comfortable Book
3. Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge 2012
4. 150+ Reading Challenge 2012
5. Mount TBR Reading Challenge
6. Read Your Own Books
7. Back to the Classics 2012
8. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Challenge

If you missed any and want to check them out:

Bev Hankins said...

Oh...and make that nine challenges. I might as well sign up for this one too. I've got it covered between my own TBR challenge and the Back to the Classics. :-)

Kaye said...

Oy! I haven't even started to think about challenges yet. You are really way ahead in the challenge game! Have fun with all of them. 2012 I want to read more of what is on my Nook and hanging around here and to fill in with some series I have been reading.

Curling up by the Fire said...

I am definitely like you whereby I have an addiction to challenges. I didn't fare so well on some of them, but I did great on others; I'm looking for new challenges this year, but I need to get past the craziness at work first before I can even start thinking about them. Here are some of them I'm thinking about doing:
E-book reading challenge
Mount TBR
150+ Book
Vintage Mystery
Reading Challenge Addict

And hopefully some of my faves will do them again.

Enjoy the challenge season!!

Yvonne said...

Wow, everyone is already into the 2012 challenges! I'm a challenge addict too. I better get going here!