Hosted by An Island Life
From An Island Life's Blog: In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
Yesterday we had our 1st thunderstorm of 2010 and it got me thinking (again..always dangerous lol) so.....
My question is: Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
My answer: No...I remember even as a child that I would love to read during a T-storm, still do.
I'm not afraid of them, but I used to hate them when we lived in Auburn, because it seems like the we always lost power.
I find them intriguing.
Have a great Friday!
I am not afraid of thunderstorms but I am a bit frightened of the storms that produce the whipping winds like the ones that can produce tornadoes.
I have always loved storms- it amazes me that people are so paranoid, to me it is so awesome to see Mother Nature release her fury.
Not afraid of them per say, but they do put me a bit on edge.
Kathy: Have only lost power a couple of times here. Thankfully it was during the day, so I could still read or at night while asleep and didn't matter.
Harriet: my sons feel the same way.
LoveMy2Dogs: Thankfully tornadoes are rare in New England but the thought of one terrifies me.
dddiva: Me to read during them since I am always reading a suspense/ adds to the read.
Mommablogspot: when it is close and you can hear the crack of lightning and then the sirens..that definitely puts me on edge.
I like listening to them, i find the sound of the rain quite soothing :-)
Afraid of Thunderstorms no, dislike them yes. My 11 year old Chihuahua is terrified of the storms and that is very annoying when you have one in the middle of the night and the dog will not let you sleep!!! Personally I too find the storms invigorating and afterwards everything is "refreshed" from all the cleansing rain...
Of course if they spawn a Tornado or Hail Storm that is a different "kettle of fish"!
jackie b central texas
No, I grab my book light and start reading.
NO but I do wonder if this will be the one that will back up the sewer systems again and flood the basement
No, not really, but I guess I should be because my Mom was really afraid of them & I grew up with that. I think I might get a little nervous about them, but only because if the electric goes out. Now you didn't ask if I was afraid of the dark? ~hehehe~
We had our first thunderstorm of the year Tuesday afternoon. We had hail and winds that were gusting up to 70 mph. Thanks to this part of our roof blew off. I now dislike storms a bit since this was not supposed to be much of anything and got strong quickly.
No, I love watching them roll in. =)
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