
June 29, 2010

Teaser Tuesday


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
  Even in prison you can't leave my family alone!  Molly almost died!  It's your fault!  You don't deserve to live!
From Never Let You Go by Erin Healy    page 124


Aleksandra said...

Great teaser! I hope you're enjoying it! Happy reading!

Kathy Martin said...

Interesting teaser! Makes me curious about the story. My teaser is from Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher. Happy reading!

Jan von Harz said...

A very intense teaser. Wondering who is in prison and why. Also what he is doing to the family.

Kaye said...

Sounds like an intense read. Really makes me wonder who it is and why they are in prison. Hope its working for you.

Felicia the Geeky Blogger said...

WOW! Powerful :)

Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog

Gigi Ann said...

Oh dear, why won't he leave them alone, I wonder? Great teaser...

Anonymous said...

hmmm, this is intense. Nice choice for the teaser. I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

gautami tripathy said...

What a teaser!

Teaser Tuesdays: Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Wow, wow, wow. That's really powerful! I hope you're liking the book.

Marce said...

Another amazing teaser. I want to read more.

My teaser.

Alayne said...

Great teaser. I really want to read this author. My teasers are at The Crowded Leaf.

Aisle B said...

Harsh... now that's what I call... restraining order time...

Come on by Aisle B... have teaser up for book Indiana.

Have a great time with the book and let me know when the review is up. Interested to know if restraining order comes into effect.

PK Reeves
Aisle B

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds intense!!

Thanks for your comments about HJ!

Kristin said...

Interesting teaser.

Here's mine.

Julie P said...

Good teaser, but still not enough for you to stick with the book--bummer!