
June 23, 2010

WWW Wednesday


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
**What are you currently reading?
        Still Missing by Chevy Stevens
**What did you recently finish reading?
        Sidney Sheldon's After The Darkness by Tilly Bagshawe (Rating: 5)
        Beachcombers by Nancy Thayer (Rating: 4)
**What do you think you’ll read next?
        Dare To Die by Carolyn Hart
        I Can See You by Karen Rose


Aleksandra said...

Wow, I guess you're in a mood for thrillers ;)
I decided this week to read from my YA tbr pile!
Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

lol Cheryl, you must really love thrillers! I haven't read a Sidney Sheldon in a while though. How did that one go?

Happy reading!!!

Wolfe said...

Sounds like a good week! I think Still Missing looks very intresing just from the cover

Jess said...

Are you loving Still Missing? It is getting a lot of great buzz around the blogs.

XmasDolly said...

1. My e-mail
2. My bills
3. The weather bulletin off my Internet - there's a tornado warning here, and it just started pouring, and it's thundering and lightening out. DANG -THAT WAS A BIG ONE AND LOUD! Hubby should've been home from work by now. Oh boy! Think I'll shut this off & just listen to CNN

Kate Evangelista said...

YA Book Giveaway at: