
December 26, 2011

Monday Memes


And how is everyone today?  Exhausted?  Feeling guilty that you had that extra piece of pie lol.  I know I am.  Did you have a wonderful day with family and friends?  Did Santa bring you any book related presents, would love to hear if you want to share.  Would love to hear about anything that Santa brought if you want to tell us about.

This weekend was bittersweet for me.  It was very hard for me with my Mom not being here and I have to be honest, there were some tears, for different emotions throughout the day.  However, I realized as we sat around my mother-in-law's table, how much I had to be thankful for.  My husband and I did the blessing before we started eating, which is another story because today I start a HUGE diet after what I ate lol. 

I am blessed.  The fact that my husband was sitting there and did the first part of the blessing after what happened 2 months ago, his chair could have been empty too.  Both my sons were there from out of state and one of their gfs, who I consider my daughter, my other son's gf, who I also consider my daughter, didn't fly in with him and spent Christmas with her parents.  And to see the relationship my sons have with each other, I am blessed.  Some of you know, but I only have one sibling who is 9 1/2 years older than me and is severely handicapped.  My Mom and her were joined at the hip for all of her life and now lives in an assisted living facility and loves it.  She was having a very difficult time this weekend but I was so proud of her.  She came out to eat with us Saturday night and was at my mil's yesterday.  I picked her up and brought her to my house because she wanted me to style her hair and put make up on her to go out.  And she had a wonderful time!!  So even though it was hard, I know my Mom was looking down and smiling.  And then my husband, both boys and Heather (Paul's gf) gave me gifts from the heart that the tears continued until we were done opening presents.  My boys tease each other constantly and Mark said to Paul...."Oh great...You had to give her your present knew that she would do this". And I didn't stop having eyes filled with tears until we left the house to go and eat.  I am sharing one that was book related below.

So how was your day?

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today's question:
   Did you get any books for Christmas? If so, what were they?
If you didn’t, what books are you most looking forward to reading (and/or buying) in the new year?

My response:
I didn't get any books and/or even an Amazon GC this year, which did and didn't surprise me.  My family knows and sees the big 5 shelf bookcase, and shake their heads in disbelief, when I tell them that those are my TBR books, plus the books in my Kindle and Sony EReaders.  So this year, I think they realize too, that the big bookcase in my reading room/office (now called "hopefully in my lifetime TBR  bookcase) and the little book case that holds my finished reads, that I don't need any more books.  But I love it, since they have started to read again, when they come home, they now go to both bookcases to see what they can take.

However, one of the gifts my Paul (the oldest) and the first gift he said I had to open was this:

The picture doesn't do it justice.  It is a silver plated bookmark.The heart is raised with pearl in the center and rhinestones around the sides of the heart.  There is filigree down both sides and engraved with this saying:
A mother understands what a child does not say. many Moms out there are getting that warm and fuzzy feeling?  lol
And as to what books I am looking forward to, lol all the ones that sound like I would enjoy!!!  lol

December is being hosted by Lady Q from Let Them Read Books 
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.

According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

  The Story Plant (PICT)                     Author                         Meryl L. Moss Media


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, your holiday sounds wonderful, despite the sadness for those you miss.

Isn't that what holidays bring to us? Memories of the past, as well as the blessings of the present?

Your mailbox books look intriguing. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful present :)

caite said...

what, you have a few book in your TBR pile too? Imagine

Kaye said...

What a gorgeous and well thought out gift from your son! That is a bookmark you will treasure forever.
Both our girls gave us GCs for books even though they know this house is overflowing with them. Ha ha! said...

I was wondering about your day...but it sounds as though you handled it will always hurt and I think even more so at Christmas...I was fine til my brother called and said how much he missed our mom and dad...and then we were both sad for awhile...

Take care...

XmasDolly said...

Hi Lil' sis - Had a wonderful Christmas & I'M TIRED - POOPED AND ALL OF THE ABOVE - Hope yours was great too! hugzzzzzzzzzzzzz

bermudaonion said...

I totally understand your Christmas because we had a bittersweet day too. No one can buy books for me either.

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

I love the bookmark! How very perfect! I am glad to hear the day was as good as it could be. Surrounding yourself with loved ones helps to carry you through.

No books for me but my son surprised me with a Kindle Fire and hubby bought a B&N gift card for me!