
December 29, 2011


Dear Friends:

I am moving.  Not as in house moving but as in blog moving.  And I would love if you would follow me to my new home.

I will officially be, as of 01/01/12, using WordPress as my platform.  My new address is:

Due to all the problems I had earlier this month with blogger, when my blog went missing and my gmail account was deleted (all of my Partners In Crime Tours spreadsheets gone), then my blog reappearing but not being able to access it, only my coadministrator could, then 2 weeks later, receiving an email that my gmail account had been restored but no explanation given, was as the saying goes, the straw that broke the camel's back.

I have to give a HUGE THANKS to my good friend Gina, from Hott Books, (my computer angel) woh was able to access my blog, save all of my work,  recreate, set up my new blog, move and teach me the basics of WP, all the while trying to fix her and others' blogs who were having the same problem.

I have said that I am not computer savvy, so there will be bumps in the road until I get used to the new place but hopefully it won't take long...LOL!!

Hope to see you there.......................


Carol said...

making a note of the address now, Cheryl.


bermudaonion said...

I hope you'll remind us later. I tried to subscribe to your new URL but it said there's not a feed yet.

Jessica L. Tate said...

I keep hearing about Blogger causing people problems and that worries me for my own blog. I should probably look into Wordpress myself, for at least a backup in case Blogger/Gmail decides to ruin anything.

Sorry about everything you had to go through! I'm glad you were able to get a friend to help you with moving everything around. I'll go add your new address to my reader feed. :)

Nise' said...

I cringe when I hear this type of story wondering when it will happen to me! Sorry it happened to you!

Marce said...

I will be there but please do another post so I can change everything at the same time :-)

Good luck said...

I will make a note of the change. I've been having problems too. And I'm also thinking of returning to Wordpress. I need to make a decision in the New Year.

Gigi Ann said...

I've made a note of it. I will follow you anywhere! hehe

Carol M said...

I'm so glad you are moving! I don't have a blog but I've still been having problems with Google. For the longest time I was not receiving my daily email posts and so I missed out on a lot. They are back now but I'm expecting it to happen again because it's happened to me three times! I've never had a problem with WordPress!

Carol N Wong said...

I am making a folder on my folder to store your new address to be safe. I sure do not want to lose you!

P.S. Hope that you remind us when the new blog site is up!!

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

Oh gosh I am so sorry about the trouble you've had with blogger...I'm always in fear of when its going to happen to my blog and have seriously thought about changing over to WP before I have problems. I will be very interested to hear how you like the new platform.