My week in review......this week seems like it flew by. I did get a few things accomplished but I also had some days where the fibromyalgia kicked in and put me down. I also had a couple of wasted days (more on that later in this post). I didn't do much reading and feeling very guilty about this because I have a pile of books that are in my TBR review pile and more books were delivered this week. Does this ever happen to you? How do you catch up? Any tips would be appreciated. Maybe it's just my personality that I am feeling this way. But today is going to be dedicated to reading. I am coming down with a cold
My days this week that I considered "wasted" were due to MY
And for all my new followers.....Thank you.....and on the weekend....pick up a good book...reading is and can be fun..... and dedicate your weekends to:
Relax and Read !!!!!
Oh, yeah, the almighty dollar must come first! I hope it all goes well for you and that you feel better soon.
Have a good weekend relaxing and reading.
Thank you for those wishes...appreciate them more than you know :)
So sorry you're having to deal with this. It's bad enough when you have to deal with the system when you're not having any problems, but to have to deal with health issues and the health system at the same time is just too much.
I am sorry you had so much to deal with....I would love to take your advice and read a book, but I think it's just a dream this weekend.
Bermudaonion and Ms Bibi: Thank you for the kind words. I have also had those weekends but I feel guilty if I don't read even a few chapters especially since I started to do requested reviews. Hopefully you have a good weekend even if you can't read.
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