
July 5, 2010

Mailbox Monday (2 of 3)

Hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page

Tuesday 06/29
From Pump Up Your Book

From The Hachette Book Group

 Saturday 07/03/10
From Pump Up Your Book

From The Hachette Book Group   Reagan Arthur


Kaye said...

Mr. R Dreams looks so bland but I read a rave review of it. Hope you enjoy it!

DCMetroreader said...

Hope you enjoy This One is Mine as much as I did. Semple really did a great job of detailing a certain lifestyle in LA.

Enjoy your books!

Gigi Ann said...

It looks like you have a busy reading week ahead of you. Mr. R, Dreams, looks to me like something I would read. Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheryl, great mailbox again. I heard really great things about This One is Mine. I hope you enjoy all your books. P.S i love your dancing USA

bermudaonion said...

You had a great week! I've read wonderful reviews of Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English - I hope you enjoy it.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

What a great stash! I read This One is Mine awhile back...hope you like it, too.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Alyce said...

That first cover looks scary! I think out of all of them the last book appeals to me most though.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Mr. Rosenblum....sounds awesome doesn't it? Hope to get to it this month.

Julie P said...

Two of these are on my wish list. Can't wait to read your reviews...

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

Every time I see This One is Mine I crave chocolate! I really want to read it too but I think I would have to have a box of chocolate to go along with it! Enjoy all your new books!

Aisle B said...

This One is Mine is making me cupcakealicious hungry... Let me know if it fares well for now I will just salivate at the sweetness of the cover.

Posted my loot so come on by for tea with your cupcake book :)

Anonymous said...

The Mr. Rosenblum book sounds good. Happy reading!

Check out my mailbox.