
July 15, 2010

Booking Through Thursday



Today's Topic:
Well, folks, I don’t know about where you are, but right here, it’s HOT.

So … when you think about “hot reading,” what does that make you think of? Beach reading? Steamy romances? Books that take place in hot climates? Or cold ones?
My Response:
A few things come to mind.  I guess the first would be a steamy romance but I don't usually read that genre.  What also comes to mind is reading while sitting by or in the pool with my book.  And HOT also makes me think of a really good book that I had trouble putting down.  And yes, it is hot and humid here in New England.  What do you think when you hear "Hot Reading"?


Gigi Ann said...

What do I think when I hear "Hot Reading?" Summertime. But, I like your reasoning also, a really good book, as "Hot Reading."

Kristin said...

I love this question and seeing everyone's take on it.

Here's my answer.

gautami tripathy said...

I said the same. Any good book is HOT for me!

Here is my "hot" post!

Kristin said...

Thanks for the suggestion...I've never heard of Vincent Zandri, but will definitely check him out. I don't have an ereader as of yet...maybe someday I'll get one!

Have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, it's a sauna here in Brooklyn too. When I think of a hot book it means it's full of twists and turns, military cover-ups and foreign agents - I'm a big Tom Clancy and exopolotics genre type fan. Which reminds me I gott go find one of those small personal battery operated fans...I'm telling you it's hot even with the air conditioning, ugh!

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

ahh, definitely reading by the pool, under a cabana with a gorgeous cabana boy bringing me cool refreshing drinks! or even on a float IN the pool (as long as my kids are not around to turn me over and ruin the book!)

toothybooks said...

whoa it actually gets hot in new england? i'm from texas so you can only imagine how hot it is down here. i can't even walk from my car to the store without burning my skin off.

hot reading does remind me of steamy romances, but i steer clear of that genre too. i love reading books that take place in cold places during the summer. it makes me feel a little cooler.

Paula Calvanico said...

Well we finally got wapped with the heat here in so cali! the air went on at 9 am today on the 2nd floor, and it never does that! What do I think of when I here hot books? Usually Vishous from J.R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood series, most definitely Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series! These ladies now the meaning of hot ;)

Tomes Devotee

Amanda Moore said...

reading by the pool can be quite fun when it is hot outside, you're back East? It has been pretty bad there for a while right? hope you cool off soon!

Donna said...

Okay, I'm starting to see myself coming and going. We all seem to share one or more ideas of what a "hot read" is. I'm enjoying all the variations though.

Julie P said...

I think of sitting outside while it is a hot day. Steamy romances and erotica aren't my style!