
July 8, 2010

FYI re: A Note from an Old Acquaintance

I read A Note from an Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker back in February and loved it.  The book was his debut novel and what a first book it was!!!  In case you read it or are planning to read it in the near future, knowing that he is going on tour again, Bookventures is hosting a chat with Mr. Walker over the next couple of days.  Wanted to share the link for you in case you have any questions or comments that you might like to add.  Head on over to  He is also asking his readers to help him name the title of the sequel and he will be naming  them in the acknowledgment section of the book.  How cool would that see your name in print!!??!!


Anonymous said...

Cheryl, Thanks soooooo much for the post. Isn't the chat going lovely?! I am having a lot of fun chatting with Bill Walker. Who knew he was so funny and down to

Heart2Heart said...

Here's hoping that you have already provided him with such a submission and yours will be the one he chooses.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Julie P said...

I really want to get a copy of this one. It sounds like a great read!

Loren said...

I will go check it out ~ haven't ever heard of his book so I look forward to it