Hosted by Should Be Reading
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
"Up against that wall, all of you! The visitors hesitated, thinking maybe some tasteless practical joke was being played.
From Doors Open by Ian Rankin page 170
Hosted By An Adventure In Reading http://raidergirl3-anadventureinreading/
I am traveling the world. I just left Boston, MA and was helping Attorney Scott Finn locate his client's daughter, who was kidnapped. Among Thieves by David Hosp (review later today) And I am now in Edinburgh, Scotland with Mike MacKenzie at an art exhibit. Doors Open by Ian Rankin
As most of you know, I am not computer savvy, so I am asking a question for those who have expertise and/or experience with FeedBurner. I set everything least I think so...approximately 2 weeks ago. I know that some have signed up to receive my newsletter/post via email but there has been no delivery. I was under the impression, once everything was checked off....time, style, etc etc....that it would be automatically sent. Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong? HELP !!!! (lol) When I first understood a little about blogging, I would question those that didn't have a newsletter because I love my morning routine, which consists of my coffee and reading the newsletters....and I have to say because of those annoying emails I sent experienced bloggers started their own newsletter subscription. And here I am not being able to get my postings out. Would appreciate any help, suggestions, etc. Thank you in advance.
The surgeon's office called yesterday and as soon as I saw caller ID...good thing I had my reading glasses prepare myself for the next stage of this journey....the palpitations set in....I am thinking.. this is it...the journey is really starting!! After stating who was calling...already knew.....the next question was..."You are definitely going to have this surgery...right", thats what you have decided because there is a lot of pre-op procedures that have to be booked and completed, OR needs to be booked (which she was booking after we hung up)....her question did not allay any feelings I was having at that point...matter of made the anxiety even worse....WTG booking secretary. Good thing I had my steno pad close at hand...wrote a novella as to what has to be done. And I thought...this is going to cut into my blogging will be able to read even more with all the pre-op appointments...EKG, lab work, physical and donating my own blood on a few visits. One positive is that I will be starting the med Chantix later today after I see my PCP and getting a I hang my head in admission and shame....I am a smoker......but after today that will change. Oh yea...the item that caused the most palpitations...the dates of surgery...and the length of time I will be under anesthesia 2 days in a row....3-4 hours minimum each day....April 5th (Monday) and 6th (Tuesday)....geez....I am going to miss out on my daily memes that I look forward to......wonder if they will let me take my laptop into the OR to at least participate in my memes before they put me I am trying to find the positive and anything that I can find amusing in all of this to get me through. But I am lucky and blessed as I have the support of family, friends, and even my new blogger friends...that is overwhelming and fills my heart.....all I can say is Thank you.... Oh, one more thing, will send out an alert for breaking news...just like I get from CNN lol.
I've never read Ian Rankin but I want to. Good teaser! Have a great week and happy reading.
Nice teaser - I bet those tourists are going to be surprised.
My teaser is up too. Stop on over for a visit.
Interesting. What kinf of book is Doors Open?
That wouldn't be a very funny practical joke!!!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!
Sorry don't know anything about FeedBurner. Wow... good luck at the surgery and my thoughts are with you! I am reading Iron King so I just had to use it for my teaser. Here is my blog where you can find it:
Thanks all for stopping by.
Kaye-1st book by him for me...will let you know what I think.
Sweet Vernal-you had a great TT!
Alice-It falls under suspense/thriller
Vicki-Thank you!!
Emma-Thank you also!!
That is a great teaser. I wonder what happens next.
I'll be thinking of you and sending good wishes on your upcoming surgery.
Beth-Thank you..I have met the nicest people in this book blogging world!!!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery from your sugery. You will be missed.
Thank you Diane...I really am considering having hubby bring my laptop to the hosp...5 days without blogging, reading my newsletters/google reader, no about withdrawals lol..seriously tho Thank you....I can't say that I am not frightened but now that everything is booked hoping the next 2 months fly by so I get it over with.
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