Hosted by Just One More Page
Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about a random book.
Go to your bookshelf and pick a random book. No cheating now, just reach out and pick one. Now tell us about it – where did you get it? Why? Was it a gift? Does it hold any special memories? Did someone recommend it to you? etc.
I can't lie....I went to my semi-recent shelf of books to grab one due to "senior moments". And I have to say I had forgotten that I had this one. Its a good thing I didn't go to the shelf that has many older books because I wouldn't have remembered anything about it. The one my hand went to was The Gate House by Nelson DeMille. I won this a few months back from Vicki at I know it was before the holidays because when it came in the mail I put it on the "recent shelf" and planned to read it for one of the 2010 challenges I had signed up for......Books Won Reading Challenge. Since I started book blogging, I have tried to become a bit more organized with my books. And as happened in the past, and know it will happen when I read this one, I think of the person behind the blog that I won it from.
Hosted by J.Kaye's Book Blog
*Books Completed Last Week:
Original Sin by Allison Brennan
*Books I Gave Up On:
*Books I Am Currently Reading/Listening To:
Among Thieves by David Hosp
*Books I Need To Write Reviews On:
Caught Up
*Up Next:
Doors Open by Ian Rankin
Death of a Valentine by M.C. Beaton
Hosted by The Printed Page
A Note from an Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker (Pump Up Your Book)
Starting Over by Andy Serwer (The Book Trib)
Planning on trying to start a new meme........
I am having so much fun with my daily memes, as you can see, on Mondays I joined 3 of them. And on Fridays, 4 of them. It is a great way to travel the blogasphere and find more great book blogs. On Thursday I have only found one meme to enter that seems like fun. This weekend I started thinking, which can be trouble at times (lol) but I remembered reading an article...don't remember where....that book blogs are popping up all over. My blog roll is long but I enjoy reading about all of them either by email subscriptions or google reader and try to comment on at least 5 or more of them a day, if something catches my interest. Which brings me to the point of this segment of my post. My blog roll started by me stopping by a blog that I usually visit and then clicking on their blog roll and find more blogs, etc. So what better way of finding more blogs, which I am always looking for. I am going to be starting a meme for Thursdays.....called "Thursday's Treasures". Where the criteria is to stop by a blog, find their blog roll and clicking on their list and find 3-5 new blogs that fit my interests. I will then name the blog I visited and then the new blogs I have found. By finding the new "treasure" blogs means a new list of blog rolls. I know that my list will grow even bigger but like "there is never too many books" the same goes for book blogs. I also feel that this is paying it forward in finding new blogs. Just a few months ago I had 2 followers and now the list is growing. I will be working on this over the next few days and hope you join in. If you feel that this sounds like another fun meme and want to join me, let me know and Welcome.
a Note From an Old Acquaintance looks different and sounds interesting.
My MM is here Have a good week and happy reading!
I have done that - coveted a book that I really really want only to discover I already had it. Good grief! LOL
Have a great week!
I like the cover The Gatehouse. Looks intriguing. Have a great day!
Just Books
Thanks all for stopping trying to make the rounds this morning but the phone keeps don't they know I have important visits on my schedule.
Starting Over sounds helpful & A Note from an Old Acquaintance sounds intriguing.
Happy reading!
I LOVE to read too!!!!
I am a new follower from FF. Please come by and follow back. I am doing some great giveaways right now. I hope you had a great weekend and Happy Monday. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog!
Following your blog from Friday Follow.
Have a nice week.
My computer is going in for repairs, so I will have time to read the next couple of days as I wait for it to come back :)
What should I start with? Hmmmmm.
Juliana, Annie, Audrey....thank you and have reciprocated...
And Audrey: :( That happened to me before the holidays...I was so lost...I was able to do basic things on the main house computer but everything associated with blogging was stored on my laptop....The Geek Squad had Lily Laptop for a full week and stated that I had many viruses...Now have multiple virus scans and run it often....What did we ever do before computers.
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