
August 23, 2010

Musing Mondays (1 of 2)


Another week that I am not posting for Mailbox Monday.  I think my mailbox is on strike.  Everyday last week, I anxiously waited for the mail, but no books  :(   So depressing lol!!  Its not like I don't have enough books to review, BUT, and I am sure you feel the same way, I get so excited when I see that envelope addressed to me, knowing a book is inside, but which one?  But I will be visiting your blog to see what you received!!!

Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

Today's musing:
     If your house was burning down –and you could SAFELY grab a book on your way outside to safety– what book would you make sure you ‘rescued’? Why?

My Response:
     I would get a big green plastic bag, grab all my signed editions, then if I had time, would grab the books in my review pile, and then any more books from my tbr shelf until the bag was full.


Anonymous said...

Ah Cheryl, its the same with me. I'm beginning to think that my mail man went on a vacation and didn't have the courtesy to let me know. No books for me AGAIN this week but guess what!? The tbr pile still has a number of books there that i have to finish reading. Am i crazy or greedy?????? LOL

bermudaonion said...

I know the feeling! I need a slow week, but it's so hard to wish for! I still get a thrill every time a book shows up at my door.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Good answer...because it is really impossible to choose just one!

Here's what I wrote:

Anne said...

I've never owned one single book that's been autographed by the author. I hope I can get one one of these days. =)

My musing.

Kennedy said...

I love my books, but I don't think I'd be exceptionally upset to lose any of them. They can be replaced. I would however, be freaking out about my dogs and cat. I also probably have more pictures to back up and take to work so they are in a separate place.

Julie P said...

Oh come on! It's not like you don't have a ton of TBR books already--LOL!

I have at least one for you, so I will get it in the mail this week....

caite said...

a bag? that's not fair!! lol

Belinda said...

Great great great answer. My only hope would be that I had a bag big enough for my books. Come by and read my answer :D

Anna Lee said...

I love this question! Here is the RTP answer!

Romancing The Page - if your house burnt down..