
September 5, 2010

Review "The Remains" by Vincent Zandri


The Remains by Vincent Zandri
Publisher StoneHouse Ink
ISBN 0982770502
ISBN 13: 9780982770504
At the request of Pump Up Your Book, an EBook edition was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest opinion.
  Synopsis (borrowed from PUYB): Thirty years ago, teenager Rebecca Underhill and her twin sister Molly were abducted by a man who lived in a house in the woods behind their upstate New York farm. They were held inside that house for three horrifying hours, until making their daring escape.
  Vowing to keep their terrifying experience a secret in order to protect their mother and father, the girls tried to put the past behind them. And when their attacker was hunted down by police and sent to prison, they believed he was as good as dead.
  Now, it’s 30 years later, and with Molly having passed away from cancer, Rebecca, a painter and art teacher, is left alone to bear the burden of a secret that has only gotten heavier and more painful with each passing year.
  But when Rebecca begins receiving some strange anonymous text messages, she begins to realize that the monster who attacked her all those years ago is not dead after all. He’s back, and this time, he wants to do more than just haunt her. He wants her dead.
  My Thoughts and Opinion: Zandri delivers again!!!! If you follow my blog, you know that I became a fan of Vincent Zandri after reading Moonlight Falls. He has been a frequent visitor here as "Guest Author" for his books and one Sunday was here "Live". I have to be honest, I was a bit skeptical reading The Remains, afraid that it would not be as good as, or better than Moonlight Falls. I was wrong!!! I will be very vague as to the story line so as not to include spoilers. This was the kind of book that I call a "one more chapter" read. Short chapters and so gripping that you have to read "just one more chapter" and then you realize it is 10 chapters later. The chapters alternate between Rebecca's present life and then to her past and back to the present. The characters were life like including the autistic savant artist. Mr. Zandri's writing style is brilliant and because of that, this reader became so engrossed in the plot that I was transported to Albany, where the story takes place, and not aware of what was going on around me. The story pulled me in from the first few pages and didn't let go until the last word. It was a bone chilling read!!! This talented author takes the reader on a heart pounding suspenseful ride as the story follows Rebecca in the present and just when you remember to breathe, he catapults you to her past. The unfolding progress of the plot is written at a crescendo pace, from the first word to the last. This book is a nail biting, white knuckle, spine chilling, page turning thriller. Do I suggest that you read this book? Not only do I think that YOU MUST read this book but also recommend that this be the next book you read!!!  Fantastic!!!  Sensational!!!  Excellent!!!  Vincent Zandri hits this one out of the park!!!!!!
I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my honest review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold...they are kept by me,
or given to family and/or friends.


Anonymous said...

Great review Cheryl. I think i have this one on my wish list. It sounds really interesting and cannot wait to get my hands on a copy. Oh by the way, i made mention of you in my post " Oh Happy Day". You should check it out : )

Marce said...

Yaaaay Cheryl, I for sure will read Moonlight Falls now, thank you for bring VZ to my attention. Remains and the digital short were great.

Exciting review, I agree.

Aisle B said...

I love page turners where you forget time and Bam-O it's done. Placing this one on my LIST of MUST and your review made me want to run to the bookstore NOW! Great review girl :)