
September 29, 2010

W.W.W. Wednesdays


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?


Kristin said...

Haven't heard of any of these books...hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have some nice books to read next. Hope you enjoy. My www wednesday is up so feel free to stop by : ) Have a great one Cheryl.

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

Ooh, these look great!! That Vincent Zandri one looks really intriguing!

Bev Hankins said...

Hope you're enjoying the Chill of the Night. Looks a bit spooky/thrillerish for me. Here's mine:

Gigi Ann said...

I haven't heard of these books either, probably because they all look like books that would be out of my reading comfort zone. However, I hope you will enjoy reading them. As you already know, I like little cozy mysteries... Those give me the creeps just looking at the covers. LOL...

Jackie said...

Cheryl those are some interesting covers I must say! Hope you enjoy and enjoyed the ones you already read...

jackie ^_^

shaunesay said...

What a contrast between covers on your reading next books! lol! Mask of the Betrayer certainly looks in season with the holiday coming up!

My WWW is here if you'd like to drop by.

Julie P said...

Are you still in a slump??? These are the same books as last week!!!

Nise' said...

The Chill of Night sounds like my kind of book. I hope you like Mr. Rosenblum as much as I did.

Darlyn said...

Hope you will enjoy your week =)

Mary Grace said...

Sorry for being late. :) these looks like great books. Lovely covers. The Remains looks promising. Let me know what you think about it after.

Thanks for dropping by Cladestine Sanctuary