
September 14, 2010

Table Talk Tuesday (2 of 3)




Ever wonder who your gal/fellow bloggers are? Who is on the other side of the screen/monitor? Ever wish you could meet other bloggers for coffee/tea, lunch and, of course, dessert? Well, here is your chance!!. Grab a table, put your order in and start gabbing!! (CHOICE OF BUTTONS LOCATED RIGHT SIDEBAR)

Post 1-3 of your conversation tidbits, which can be, for examples, tell us something interesting about you that we don't know, ask a question of your gal/fellow blogger that you would like to know, share something that may have been exciting that happened to you this week, or something you are looking forward to, or share a how-to, or maybe ask about a how-to, or talk about something that annoys you, your opinion about a certain issue, a comment about something that was in the news this week and your opinion, or maybe ask advice, etc., etc., the list is endless. You get the idea. Just as if you were meeting a friend over coffee. And the conversation begins.

After you post your 1-3 conversation tidbits, come back here and link up, start visiting other blogs, answer their questions or respond to their comments. Then meet another blogger for coffee at their place, maybe have another piece of pastry while talking (and just think...this has 0 calories!!!)

Hope you join in, tell your friends, get to know more about old friends, meet new friends (possibly even becoming a new follower of their blog...if you do...leave that in your responses so that they know and hopefully will follow you back), get to know more about old friends, meet new friends and more importantly.....HAVE FUN !!! So lets grab a table, sit down, order a coffee and start gabbing !!!!

My conversation tidbits:
1.  Do you have any special plans for this week?
2.  It's that time of year, do you get a flu shot?
3.  What are you reading this week?


Gigi Ann said...

Hi Cheryl,

Since this is my first time trying your new meme, I cheated and used your questions. I really am not much of a thinker on my own, but liked your questions. Therefore, I answered them. Now you can spank me with a wet noodle ten times.

Library Cat said...

I always love your tidbits! I answered them in my post. I hope you both will come by for a visit.

Nise' said...

My niece is coming from Spokane (to MI) to visit and bringing her new baby. Can't wait to get my hands on him.

Nope to not get a flu shot. I take my chances.

I am reading Nothing But Ghosts.

XmasDolly said...

It's a little late in the day to post, but you need to remind me of this so I can play too. You know me I don't remember what happened five minutes ago. So, being as I had a very rough night & I've been up since 5:30 or was it 6? Hmmm How about I'll just answer your questions. Plans for the week? Water Therapy. Flu Shots? Nope - don't do them. What am I reading? Still reading Stephen King's From a Buick8. Sorry I'm such a poop today, but I did stop by. Nite all!

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, this sound like a fantastic meme. Hope you have loads of fun. Am just passing through but i'll try to participate next week.

Bev Hankins said...

I, too, am coming late to the table (off work yesterday which meant making up for it today, yech).

Here's my answers:

Plans for the week: Hoping to hear from the Scout Office that my son is all set for his Eagle Board of Review. Called today & all his references are in, so he should be good to go. (I know I'm a broken record on the Scout thing, but we've been working on this for years...)

Flu shot: Nope. People I know who get them usually get some other form of the flue any way. I usually don't get the flu...just upper respiratory stuff.

Reading this week: Gonna take the big plunge and try to read The Divine Comedy by Dante. Wish me luck!

Hopefully, I'll be ready for tea earlier next Tuesday. See you then!