Thank you Morgan from Smitten With Books ( for stopping by, visiting and becoming my 100th follower. And thank you to all the other 99 followers.
I had been thinking that if I did make it to 100 followers, I would personally sponsor a giveaway. But with all my personal issues and appointments, I am afraid I would not have the time needed to do one, especially since it would be a 1st for me. So this is what I am thinking.......a celebration in the middle of April for a "post 100th follower and a "return to blogging" after my surgery. Again THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!

Congrats on hitting the 100 mark! You have a really fun blog and pretty soon you'll be celebrating the 200 mark. I hope your surgery goes well and you are feeling good in no time.
Kaye: Thank you for all your postive wishes. 200?..can't even imagine. I can't say that I am not frightened due to the complexity of the 2 operations but at this point I just want it over. And my other disappointment will be that I am away from blogging for a week. This has been my sanity and have met the nicest people like yourself. LOL I wonder if the hospital would notice 1 of their computers missing lol.
Congratulations! Hope your surgery goes well.
Way to go, CMash! And good luck with surgery.
When you're all healed up, you really should try a giveaway. I had my first not too long ago and it's not difficult at all. You just announce it on a post with the date the contest ends, put it at the top or sidebar so people can always see it, and then people follow whatever you want them to do (become a Follower, comment with their email, or whatever). You can either use to pick a winner or if you don't know how to do that you can just write their names down and pick them out of a hat. Email the winner, announce the winner on a post and send them the book. It's that easy.
Deb, Jeannie, Lynne and Nise:
Thank you all !!! Thank you for explaining the process Lynne. I tend to have "senior moments" on good days lol but has been more frequent with preparing for the surgery. I will be laid up for months so it will give me something to look forward to and enjoy. Someone told me that the nicest people were book bloggers and how right she was!!!!!!
Exciting.... congrats on the 100 followers.
Best of luck with surgery, see you on your return.
I recently made 100 followers also, it is an amazing feeling, enjoy it.
YAY!! Congratulations on hitting the big 1-0-0! That's so exciting-I remember when I hit that big number :)
A celebration on April sounds great-I know how busy and time consuming life can be, so planning ahead is a good thing!
Congratulations Cheryl!!! You have a great blog and I love visiting you.
Praying for your surgery and recovery!
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