Should Be Reading
*What are you currently reading?Live To Tell by Wendy Corsi-Staub
*What did you recently finish reading?
Waking Up In The Land Of Glitter by Kathy Cano-Murillo (4 star rating)
*What do you think you’ll read next?
Silent Scream by Karen Rose
The Cutting by James Hayman
Hosted by Bermudanonion's Weblog
No words this week but will be visiting others to learn new words. Thank you for posting them.
Hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
This is my first posting for this meme. Hoping to find and add books to my TBR book bucket list.
This is my first posting for this meme. Hoping to find and add books to my TBR book bucket list.
(James Patterson fan....need to catch up with series before buying this one)

I met the author through Good Reads and was pleasantly surprised that during college years we lived in the same neighborhood. Small cyber world!!

I met the author through Good Reads and was pleasantly surprised that during college years we lived in the same neighborhood. Small cyber world!!

I hope Moonlight Falls will be a good read for you - it's always fun to make a connection with an author.
Cheryl wow....2 picks; enjoy. I stopped Patterson a few years ago when he started mass producing...LOL.
Here is my pick:
I enjoy Patterson's books too, even though I know they're not great literature.
I'm a big fan of James Patterson. So glad you're participating!!!
Hey cmash, i have to agree with the rest. I love me some Patterson. i listened to his book swimsuit last summer. twas good. : )
Funny story about living near the author. My WOW is at The Crowded Leaf.
Interesting picks. I hope that you enjoy your books when you get them. Here's Mine.
With all your appointments going on I bet you're getting a lot of reading done. Hope you're doing well. Hang in there girlfriend. Talk to you soon.
Lots of great books this week! Enjoy!
Well, I'm not much of a reader I'm more of a musician as you probably have guessed. You blog is filled with many find posts. I'll have to come back, and have a look around. Have a nice night.
I'm looking forward to reading that James Patterson book, too!
Thank you all for stopping by. I promise once these appointments allow me some free time, I will be stopping by and visiting you.
And sound like one of my bloggy cousins who doesn't read either, might know her...Xmas Dolly lol
Sassy..I am a big James Patterson fan. I need to catch up in that series. Need to read 6, have 7 and 8 (won from blogs)
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