Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about multitasking.
Do you – or are you even able – to do other things while you read? Do you knit, hold a conversation, keep an eye on the TV? Anything?
This is a bit difficult to answer. I'm not sure if it would be considered multitasking. I usually have the tv on a cable news station, volume low and if there is "breaking news" or I hear something of interest, I stop reading. Reading while having a conversation? Only if someone interrupts me and asks a question.

Can do some things while reading, but would rather focus on the reading.
My Musing.
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I never have the tv on unless I'm watching something I DVR'd and then I FF through commercials unless something catches my eye.
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I kinda go with you as well, I have a hard enough time tuning out the people around me in a public transit vehicle, or at a bus stop.
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