Jeannie over at Pine Cottage Books ( has so kindly presented me with this award. I accept it with great humility. I know that some bloggers don't do awards and that is ok, but when another blogger presents me with one, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. It also makes me feel like when the new kid at school gets picked first to be on a team. Maybe its because I am still a semi newbie at blogging! Or maybe its because I lurked around the corners for a few months when I first found a book blog and was in awe of it! Or maybe its because I found out that book bloggers are the best! Or maybe it looked like so much fun to be part of this community! NO!! Its because of ALL those maybes!!!! So Jeannie, thank you again. With accepting this award, I in turn have to pass it on to 15 bloggers, head to their site to let them know that this award now belongs to them. The majority are new blogs I have just found via The Book Blog Hop. In no particular order this award goes to ....................
Chrissies Corner
Naomi's Book Reviews
Rhiana Reads
Harriet and Friends
Under the Boardwalk
Reading with Tequila
The Lost Entwife
Tales of Whimsy
A Cup of Tea and A Cozy For Me
Just One More Paragraph
Book Blab
Bookalicious Ramblings
Dollycas's Thoughts
The Fiction Enthusiast

Congratulations on your award!
Bermuda: Thank you...It was told to me that book bloggers were going to be the nicest people I will meet and it is so true. I still have a lot to learn and I aspire to someday be an experienced blogger like yourself. I value your comments and love your reviews. My TBR list is so big due to all the reviews I have read. I think it needs a new TBR Bucket List"
Again Thank You
You have a very nice blog and are deserving of your awards. Be proud of yourself--you've done alot in a few months and it shows!!!!
Take care of yourself and get better soon :)
Congratulations and thank you so much for passing it to me!!
It has been a pleasure getting to know you and you are so right..the book blogging community is the best!
Thank you for your kindness is awarding my blog.
Jeannie: thank you !!!!
Mama: your welcome !!
Nise: your welcome and the pleasure is mine.
Since finding this great community of book blogging, not only has it helped me get thru this surgical process, but I have loved every minute of it esp. meeting the BEST people !!!
Congrats on all of your awards.
Shera: Thank you
Congratulations on your award! And thank you SO MUCH for passing it on to me!
Thank you for my award! makes my day when i get a award :-D
Thanks for the award. I love book blogging too. I had no idea about the community when I first made a blog and I feel so at home and everyone is so nice and supportive. The only downside I can find is that I spend time here when I should be reading!
Thanks so much! I'm out of town till Tuesday and have really slow Internet connection at the hotel, so I'll post it when I return. Thanks, again!
Yay! More awards :D
Congrats to you and everyone you passed yours on to!
Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me!
Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for passing this on to me :)
Sorry I'm a bit late, but thanks so much for the award, I really appreciate it! :D
This is such a honor. I love your header.
Thank you so much darling. This is SO thoughtful of you :D
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