I look forward to and enjoy taking part in daily memes. Great way to find new blogs and find it to be really fun. I usually have a minimum of two a day except for Friday, which will be 4 this week !! However, on Thursday, I only have one meme. Does anyone know of other fun memes for Thursday? If so, would you let me know please. Thanx
Today's question:
How do you feel about illustrations in your books? Graphs? Photos? Sketches?
It would depend on the book. If it is a reference book, then absolutely would need illustrations, such as how-to, text, cook, children's, "coffee table", etc. books. For the books that I enjoy, fiction, then no. When I read, and as part of the enjoyment for me, is to take the writer's words and use my imagination to make the story come alive.
Do you have a preference? Leave a comment and/or join in on the fun. Link to this meme is above.

I find that if the illustrations are done well, they really don't detract from my imaginings when I'm reading fiction - they should just add to the enjoyment. And I agree about cookbooks - they really do need illustrations to be of any use. But then I'm not much of a cook and I need a lot of help!
This was a fun question. Here's my answer.
I'm like you - it depends. I do love photos in biographies, though.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
I was thinking the same thing, another good Thursday Meme would be nice.
I have Lips Touch to read, that would be my first book with illustrations.
I have an award for you on my blog :)
Illustrations don't get in the way of my imagination. My post is here.
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