Hosted by Jen at Teacher Mentors Text
From Danielle's blog:We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question: (link-up with your answer at Jen’s site): Share your favorite blogs, bookish or not, that you can’t go a single day without visiting.
Last week I announced that Saturday's A Bit Of Me was taking a hiatus, but when I went to Danielle's site to start my hopping and post my link, she had some great news. Some bloggers had offered to host this meme on a rotating basis so A Bit Of Me Is back !!!! Thank you to those kind bloggers in offering of their time!!!!!
Favorite? I can't do favorite!!! That's like asking which child is your favorite? .....well I guess that would depend on the kind of day it is lol. OK...I'll give it a try. After booting up and checking my mail, the next stop is my blog, NING and Facebook and see what I missed while sleeping.
Then it's back to my blog, to post my daily memes (I really do love my daily memes), visit the hosting blog and start hopping to blogs that participate. I tend to visit different blogs throughout the day depending on reading something from their newsletter that I subscribe to, or if I haven't visited in a while and I will admit I do have some favorites but my lips are zipped.
What about you? What sites is a must for you to visit on a daily basis?

I love every single one that's in my Google Reader!
Isn't it so tough?! I am having a terrible time choosing...thus the reason for my late post. That and having in-laws here. But yes, I think a lot of it depends on what I'm reading too as well as what I'm participating in for the day. Though there are definitely a couple I go to frequently, but that's also because we participate in the same things. Love it! So many great sites! :)
Other than book blogs, I go to Goodreads and books on the knob every day. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day I am willing to devote to online activities.
It took me a long time to settle on a few blogs to highlight as well. I read so many different things daily, but Facebook is (sadly) probably the only one I look at every single day. Otherwise, I sort of rotate through, I guess.
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