Hi Friends!!
You may have noticed that after posting the good news about my husband on Monday, stating that he had been discharged on Sunday, that he was doing well, etc and that I would be easing back into my daily routine, that I haven't. The reason being, a few hours after posting that news, I had to call 911 and my husband was rushed back to the hospital and readmitted. He had an "episode" of a full blown stroke like symptoms, however, by the time rescue got him to the ER, the symptoms subsided and were gone. After multiple tests, all coming back negative, the conclusion was that his anti seizure medication was not at a therapeutic blood level. It has been adjusted and he was, once again, discharged yesterday hopefully for good this time. Again, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers, concern, caring, and comforting words. It has meant more than you will ever know!!!!
Hosted by An Island Life
From An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to
the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a
lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and
then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget
to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
MY QUESTION:What is your favorite time of day?MY ANSWER:Mornings. Between 6--9am,when I grab my coffee, boot up my computer, open the windows in my office and listen to the sounds of nature and quiet.

I love the hour at sunset when everything is so calm and peaceful outside.
My favorite time of day is late in the evening after everyone has gone to bed when I can sit back by myself, turn on the TV and watch whatever has been recorded that day. So peaceful!
Happy Friday!
I'm so glad he's back home. What a roller coaster ride for you. You're going to be a medical expert before this is all over.
In the evenings when everyone is asleep... I get to read : )
Whew...I am so glad...I am just thinking about you!!!
And your husband!!!
It is frustrating when trying to get meds at the right levels. Glad he is back home.
Glad to hear your husband is back home!
My favorite time is whenever I get the chance to curl up and read a good thriller.
I like the time at night after hubby goes to bed which is usually after 10:30. I can hear him breathing heavy & it's ME TIME! WOO HOO! Plus I know the phone won't ring or the door bell. We're talking really me time with a cup of hot tea! Oh yeah! Hugzzzzzzzzzzzz Say hello to hubby! Hope everything is fine!
Not really sure what time. I guess it is probably when I wait to have coffee after the kids are at school. Time to sit for a minute and think about things before tackling items on my to do list.
I am relieved he is back at home, I pray that things will get easier for you both!!! Hope you are having a good weekend!
What an emotional upheaval all this must be. I hope this time all will progress towards the better. You must be exhausted physicall, mentally and emotionally. Praying for you and your family.
I'm glad to hear Steve is back home, and nice for him he has a nurse to care for him. I hope he continues to improve.
My favorite time of the day is lunchtime and the rest of the afternoon.
Cheryl hoping the news stays good and the med doseage works like it is supposed too, you guys are still in my thoughts and prayers and sending you hugs today as did not get online and come by yesterday.
Favorite time of day is early morning when everyone else including animals are asleep but me, can grab some time to myself to just "be" with no demands from anyone. Sometimes having 2 humans and three pets with their eyes on me can get a bit overwhelming and I just need some peace and time to relax.
My favorite time is early in the morning with my first cup of coffee in the quiet before the craziness begins feeding the kidlets and getting Princess Nagger ready for school. :)
The Haunted Clock
Thanks for posting this update, Cheryl. I hope things are still going well and improving. I'm sorry I haven't checked in more...this is the first night I've really been able to get on and check out fellow bloggers and leave comments. Life is much too busy!
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