Publisher: The Story Plant
ISBN-13: 978-0-9819568-1-7
At the request of the publisher, a PB copy was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest review.
Synopsis: Hugh Penders returns to his home in Amber, CT a small town in New England, after 10 years of working various jobs in multiple locations never putting down roots or truly knowing what it is he wants to do. He returns home to work in the family store after his father suffers a heart attack. He plans on staying only long enough for his Dad to get on his feet. Amber holds too many painful memories of his brother Chase, who died August 10th at the age of 18, ten years ago when his car went off Pine River Bridge. He has held a secret within since that fateful day.
My thoughts: This novel was not my usual read as I tend to gravitate toward fast paced mystery/suspense. However, I was drawn in by the first chapter. This novel is a love story that tugs on your heart from page one. The characters came to life to the point I didn't want the story to end. The turmoil of Hugh's emotions of grief, love, confusion, loyalty and pain were felt with the writer's sensitive words.
My Opinion and Rating: This was not your typical love story. It was a love story on many levels some being between friends, parents and children, siblings, and mates. The characters took on a real life quality whereas they could have been my family and friends. Being from New England myself, the descriptions of Amber could have been that of where I live. I highly recommend this warm and touching love story and have rated it a Level 5. I will be reading Mr. Baron's 1st novel "When You Went Away" ASAP and will be anxiously awaiting his next book "The Journey Home" due out May 11, 2010.
I received a copy of this book, at no charge to me,
in exchange for my HONEST review.
No items that I receive
are ever sold...they are kept by me,
or given to family or friends.

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