Somebody asked me today "How are you keeping your sanity with everything you are going through and all the problems that you are facing?" My answer was genuine, truthful and simple....the world of books, blogging and the very nice people I have met via the computer. OK.....When I created my page, which was a tiny miracle in itself, it was just going to be a way to track the books I had read. I then challenged myself to enter a reading challenge for 2010. Didn't even know what a meme was but I was determined to find out and have joined a meme for everyday...except Thursday but I know I will find one hopefully before this Thursday. I can't believe how much I am enjoying this and how it is helping me to deal with what I am going through. So getting back to this posting.....Over the next couple of days, it will probably take that long due to my ineptness of technology, I will be remodeling my page. Nothing major but I want it more organized for me because I plan on adding more challenges and memes. Giving another shout out for any suggestions for a Thursday meme, how and what is a permalink, how to get the percentage bar from NaNoWriMo to work and/or another site where I can find one. And maybe, just maybe, my blog will be more than a personal journal in the future.

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