Finished: Illusion by Edmond Cheng--requested review by author (Rating 3.5)
Crossing The Bridge by Michael Baron--requested review by publisher (Rating 5)
Started: Most Likely To Die by Lisa Jackson--for Lisa Jackson challenge hosted by J.Kaye Book

So glad you are joining in with us on Mondays!
Have you had a chance to read Michael Baron's previous book, When You Went Away? It was awesome too! I haven't had a chance to read this one, but have it on my wish list.
I really enjoyed "Most Likely To Die" and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
I also joined the Lisa Jackson Challenge.
First thank you for the comments!!!!
J.Kaye: Thank you for the welcome...I am so enjoying this great world of book blogging and meeting so many nice people. I plan on purchasing Michael Baron's 1st novel and will be reviewing,at request of publisher his 3rd novel due out in May "The Journey Home"
Razlover: GL with your challenge. The Lisa Jackson challenge was the FIRST challenge I signed up for. Thinking I need to up the ante as I only signed up for 5. Did you read "Chosen to Die"...that was really good. My next one I will be reading is "Malice", which I purchased after reading J.Kaye's review of the book. J.Kaye got me addicted to challenges lol. I also signed up for another one she is hosting, the 100+ books. I will be happy if I even come close to 100.
Hi CMash,
No I haven't read "Chosen to Die" yet but I will be since it just arrived which I won from J. Kaye's blog. I listed this one on the Lisa Jackson challenge.
GL on both challenges and I hope you enjoyed "Malice" as much as I did!
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