My morning routine. Boot up the laptop, grab my mug of coffee and read my newsletters/emails. Sign into my blog, read my google reader and start commenting on sites that posted something that caught my attention. Today, however, I woke with an unclear mind and dread as I am still trying to process all that was said at yesterday's orthopedic consult (more on that later). And sorry to repeat but it is so mantra that I live by is that “everything happens for a reason….and we don’t ask why…just know it is to be”. Vicki over at Reading At The Beach ( signed up for a 2010 challenge "365 Photo Project" where she posts a different picture every day. The pictures that she is posting are phenomenal and I have been commenting almost every day because they are so beautiful. Which is what I was going to do this morning. So I head on over for a visit and before I got to her photo, I found another posting that FLOORED ME. She has presented me with another award...and so fitting due to my mental state this morning. She has been such a friend and mentor to me and then to receive another award is overwhelming. The awad is the "HAPPY 101". There is criteria that I will be posting on next. But first....THANK YOU VICKI !!!!! You are too kind !!!!!!

This is a two part award.
First I list ten things that make me happy and then pass this along to 10 blogs that make me happy.
What makes me happy:
1. My hubby
2. My 2 fantastic sons and their girlfriends, "my daughters".
3. All other members of our family
4. My friends
5. A great mystery
6. A large Friendly's 5 scoop sundae
7. The start of Spring and warm weather
8. Sitting by the pool and having "bonding reading time" with hubby
9. Vacations (which we are due)Cruise or Aruba
10.Book blogging and meeting so many awesome "new friends".
So what blogs make me happy: (in no particular order)
1. J. Kayes Book Blog
2. Bookin' With Bingo
3. Xmas Dolly
4. Rundpinne
5. Bermudaonion
6. Book Reviews by Bobbie
7. My Cozy Booknook
8. Find Your Next Book Here
9. Bibliophile By The Sea
10. Lori's Reading Corner
I pass this on to you. And thank you for having great blogs !!!! I could only pick 10 but there are so many other blogs that make me happy.
I just I am going to enjoy this award and make this my "Happy 101 Award" day and post about "My Medical Jouney" on a later post, which is probably better as there is so much to process. My mantra, has done right by me again. Thank you VICKI !!!!
Today's question:
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings?
My favorite genre is mystery/suspense so I love unexpected endings!!! What I don't like are plots that are complicated and/or detailed espionage. I lose interest with that type of book.
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite?
I was given a book to read by my "Book Buddy" Jess, my son's gf because I had said that I had never read anything by Jodi Picoult. She gave me My Sister's Keeper. I have to say that this book, with its ending, I never saw coming. This was definitely my favorite "surprise ending" read. Highly recommend.

Jodi Piccoult is a popular answer today.
Here is mine
I like books that really make me think. My answers:
Brooke--I saw that on the few blogs I visited. Has been one of those weeks where I wasn't able to visit many..:(
Jennifer: I like books where I try to solve the mystery..even tho most have a surprise
I do like books with complicated endings and a twist...the best I've read in a while is Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian and especially as it brings about MUCH discussion!
Thank you so much for the award...and congrats to you for getting it! Much deserved by you as you always make me Happy when I hear from you!
Congratulations on your award! I'm so flattered to see that my blog makes you happy.
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