Hosted by Danielle at There's A Book
From Danielle's blog:We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question's: If you had, an option to choose a place anywhere in the world where you could live for an entire year, where would it be and why?
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This question was an easy one, and I apologize that I keep repeating myself but it's definitely our favorite destination, and that is Aruba.
The beautiful beaches, the tropical breezes, the gorgeous scenery. However I would want to reside at one of the resorts for a year to also get all of the amenities that are offered.
Hosted by Yvonne from Socrates Book Reviews
From Yvonne's site: I've wanted to start a meme like this for a long time. It's "Anything Goes on Saturday". It's a chance to choose any topic you want and talk about it on Saturday - it can be about a book, TV show, movie, a recipe or just an update on your week. Whatever you choose.
Today's Topic: I hope I don't offend anyone, but, I received this email yesterday morning and wanted to share it with those that may find it interesting. I said last week how I had read The Left Behind Series, and so much that is happening is described in those books.
It was my topic last week about all the natural disasters. Then the question for Booking Through Thursday was on the same or similar topic. And then this email with the
Subject: Something To Think About
Sept 11th (NY) Jan 11th (Haiti) and March 11th (Japan).... Weird. Luke 21:10-11 Then Jesus said to his disciples : "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes', famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Jesus says 'for behold I come quickly', [so ask yourself are you ready?] Sad to say many won't repost this message.
Any thoughts?

The Earth is churning itself, renewing itself. It has to do that. Only with destruction, we can have a new creation. Irrespective of us being ready or not. Not many are ready to die. Not now, not ever...But it eventually comes.
For my post, click on my name!
I never get tired of looking at photos of exotic places...Aruba sounds like a divine destination.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Aruba - what a great pick! I would love to go there someday.
We've been to Aruba and it's beautiful. Love the picture.
My husband and I have talked many times about Matthew 24:7, but lately our talks on this is almost daily.
Aruba definitely sounds nice!
As far as your e-mail, it definitely gives us all something to think about....
Aruba would be heavenly! Of course I'd want to do it without small children. ;o) But it sounds wonderful!
Definitely something to be thinking about with all that's been happening in the world. It can be completely overwhelming if you let it get to you, but similar to another comment we have to know that things are always changing and we need to be as prepared as possible. This can sometimes be a daily task or something a simple as making sure we have extra food & water stored up, just in case. Of course there's much more to it than that, but it's definitely something everyone should be thinking about.
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