"Beginning promptly at 7:00PM EST and running until 9PM EST, Tuesday, February 15th, author Vincent Zandri will be signing copies of his bestselling novel, THE REMAINS, at the Albany, Barnes & Nobles. At the same time, his publisher, StoneGate Ink, is running a 'Push' of his newly released thriller, THE INNOCENT, which is currently on a Virtual Tour for the month of February and for a short time only, available at $.99! The point to all this? We want to see how many Kindle and E-Book downloads Vincent can move while he engages in a traditional book signing! We hope you'll participate in this 'nontraditional push' and at the same time, take advantage of the $.99 limited offer and purchase a Kindle or E-Book of THE INNOCENT between the hours of 7 and 9 EST this coming Tuesday! PLEASE NOTE: The first three confirmed participants will receive a free signed first edition copy of MOONLIGHT FALLS!"

Hopefully B&N will offer it at 99 cents for the Nook!
The Innocent is available at B&N for 99 cents for the Nook!
I loved this book and just bought his sequel and a couple of others at B&N. Unfortunately, I'm not near Albany so I can't go to the booksigning, but I wish him the best of luck with it!
Yah, THE INNOCENT is .99 all around for the month of FEB only....I hope you all can join in and thanks again Cheryl:)))))
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