Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
This week's question:
How do you react to the “book police”? (people who judge what you are reading, and try to make you feel guilty) Do you respond to their judgements? Or, do you keep quiet? Do you let what they say influence your reading, or do you do your own thing, regardless?
My answer:
WOW..that was my first reaction to this week's question. My next police? are you kidding me? who and where are they? And then I read Miz B's response thinking I missed something somewhere.
Then I sat back and had to really think about this question. I tend to forget that the internet is global and different regions have different beliefs in place. However, even with that being said, I believe that as a community of readers, we can agree to disagree on certain thoughts of a book but not attack a person for the type of genre they read. I have, people I consider friends, in this neighborhood that read the new rage out, would I degrade them because she enjoys it...absolutely not. I know of other friends who read classics and historicals for pleasure, I don't condemn her, I admire her. Would I let someone influence me? No!! Absolutely Not!! My thought process with books is the same with TV, if you don't like my choices or I don't like your's, you can visit a blog that has similar likes to your's just like I can do the same.
February is being hosted by Laura from Library of Clean Reads
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of The Printed Page and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”
I want to give a big thank you to Laura for inviting us all to her place for the month of February and hosting one of my favorite memes. This is especially exciting for me because this is my first time visiting and I am sure, I will be spending a lot of time here. Thank you, Laura.
Meryl L. Moss Media Gina, my blog buddy

Hosted by Java from Never Growing Old
"Meet Me On Monday!"
Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!
1. Did you watch the Superbowl?
2. What is the last book that you read?
I gave it a 4/5. Hosting a giveaway right now!!
3. What is your favorite kind of cake?
Why? Is there any other kind? lol
4. Do you snore?
My hubby says I do, but really it is him who does, and he blames me.
5. Do you play an instrument?
Took piano lessons as a child but didn't enjoy it. Kick myself now.

I agree - wow! I've seen on some blogs the comments they get when they don't enjoy a book and quite frankly I get disgusted! I thought this blog thing was a bit like life - if you don't like it don't read it. Why do some people have to feel like everyone needs to have the same opinion - THEIRS? I enjoy reading about why people like and dislike books. I've actually read several reviews of people detesting books that - because of their review - I picked up the book.
I try very hard to not be judgmental, so all I ask is that the comments people leave me are in the same spirit.
Great post!!
BTW - Tick Tock came yesterday -- YEAH!! (actually it was probably Saturday but I was away and didn't see that I got mail!!)
Diane Chamberlain has a new book coming out?!! I had no idea - I am a big fan of hers. I am looking forward to your thoughts on the book.
I was about to say, I have never had that happen - being judged for reading a book... but now that is not true. When Twilight - the latest movie came out my friend jokingly hung an Edward Cullen poster in my office. I thought it was funny so I left it up for a few days.
One lady came in and went nuts "You dont read those books do you?"
Uhhhh..... yeah. I do.
Anyhoo - stopping in today to invite you over to the Monday Where Are You reading Anniversary party - would love to see you there :)
Midwife's Confession... I just saw this and it sounds really good.
Enjoy the reads girlfriend.
I'm brooding over the Super Bowl as we speak (poor Steelers) :( And I agree--it's chocolate cake or bust! Chocolate butter cream...mmmm...
I feel like I am my own "book police" I know what i like and that is what I read, although this year I am trying to read out of my comfort zone occasionally. I feel there are so many genres to choose from, that I choose from the genres I like and the others can choose from the genres they like. I feel to each his own, that doesn't mean I won't read that genre someday.
Your answer to MM was well said!
Going to have to check out that Diane Chamberlain title!
This was a good topic and people are dumbassess. Personally, I don't care what people think about what I read. Check out my answer for this week's Monday Musing.
here's mine
I never judge a reader by what they read.
I follow several blogs where I don't actually have the same tastes in books, just the same passion for books.
enjoy ur week, Cheryl
I need to read a Diane Chamberlain book. Enjoy your reading this week!
Hmmm....would I be the "classics for pleasure" person? Lol. So far I haven't had anybody really "police" what I'm reading. A couple of comments where I thought the person was a bit intense in their opinion (mine wasn't the same) but I didn't feel like they were raging at me.
I'm with you - I have no problems with people reading different types of books than I do - that's why there's so many different ones out there.
Hello :D
Just noticed your Lincoln Lawyer giveaway, it was this book that got me hooked on Michael Connelly, I love his books!
Helen x
PS If you have a few minutes please pop by an say hello.
so few people actually read books (see the stats on my post) that I am happy to find someone reading anything!
lots of good books Cheryl. I do like Lisa Gardner and have read all of her books.
1. No
2. The Magic Warble
3. I made a Banana Nut bread today, but it's cake to me. They're all my favorite anyways.
4. Not anymore. I have to have a CPAP Machine now. I had the test & I stopped breathing in my sleep 92 times in an hour. Now I have the machine I don't snore at all & I sleep much more soundly.
5. I play the accordion, and keys (piano), and a little acoustic guitar (but it's hard on the fingers).
As far as the Book Police! ROFL... TOO FUNNY! What does Big Brother rule here? I read whatever I want, when I want, and if I want. Thanks for yesterday & two of your readers played 4M's today (my meme) Dolly of course ~hehehe~ we're buds now & her friend. Thanks Baby Girl. Hugs, ni ni
I'm not a sports fan. :-p
I'm your latest Google Follower, by the way. Nice to meet you. :D
I played, too! :D Sorry I'm late. :( Been a crazy week.
Rebecca at
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