Hosted by Danielle at There's A Book
From Danielle's blog:
We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question: What is the single best trip you’ve ever taken?
Read more: is back to being silly again!!!! Making us just choose one!!! LOL Going to play a silly on Danielle....ohhhhhh pick which one you think is my favorite lol!!
So lets start with the honeymoon...Poconos, PA. Nothing too far or exotic because we had just bought our first house.
OR when we took the boys (they were about 8 & 10) on their firsst flight to Disney World and the Kennedy Space Center
OR when we took the boys on an "adult" family vacation, 3 years ago, their 1st time on a cruise
OR the much needed vacation that we have planned in a couple of months
Hosted by Yvonne from Socrates Book Reviews
From Yvonne's site:
I've wanted to start a meme like this for a long time. It's "Anything Goes on Saturday". It's a chance to choose any topic you want and talk about it on Saturday - it can be about a book, TV show, movie, a recipe or just an update on your week. Whatever you choose.
This week's topic: STRESS
That 6 letter ugly word. Everyone has it. No one is immune. It comes in all shapes and sizes But does it ever get to the point where it is so distracting that you can't stay focused? You start one project, notice something, start another and continues in this vicious circle until you realize that whatever you WERE able to accomplish, it is full of errors? Well...lately that has been me. Any helpful tips that you use to relieve stress when it gets to that level? What do you do to stay focused without your mind off in a thousand different directions? I know this is not unusual, stress goes along with life but lately I feel my mind is all over the place, now if only my body would catch up!!
That 6 letter ugly word. Everyone has it. No one is immune. It comes in all shapes and sizes But does it ever get to the point where it is so distracting that you can't stay focused? You start one project, notice something, start another and continues in this vicious circle until you realize that whatever you WERE able to accomplish, it is full of errors? Well...lately that has been me. Any helpful tips that you use to relieve stress when it gets to that level? What do you do to stay focused without your mind off in a thousand different directions? I know this is not unusual, stress goes along with life but lately I feel my mind is all over the place, now if only my body would catch up!!

I'm with you - just about any trip is a great one! I've been distracted like that lately, but I've attributed it to being interrupted constantly.
I think that the people who join us on the trips, or the ones we meet along the way, make the vacation special. Yours all sound wonderful!
Here's my A BIT OF ME
Wow! I'm extremely jealous at the moment! We're still in the "too poor to travel" stage and have hopes that one day it will change. I'm really hoping to be able to take the kids to Disney World when they're about 8 or 9 as well, because I just want to see them light up at all the fantastic things to do! Wow! I just love all your trips, especially the one coming up...that's going to be fantastic I'm sure!
Stress definitely gets to me at times. Sometimes I can't concentrate on anything, but I really find if I can get wrapped up in a good book, movie or TV show then it takes my mind away from it for a little bit. More times than not, I end up not being able to concentrate on any of those and just hope it all goes away. I know, I'm not much help. I do hope things ease up for you.
I did really like the trips I've taken to Disney World too. I picked my trip to Europe for my favorite trip :)
Your upcoming trip look wonderful and warm!
I can so relate to your distraction! Don't have any tricks to offer to keep focus though. Sorry.
When you figure out a way to get rid of stress, PLEASE let me know! LOL
I stopped by your blog today. I love the colors and layout.
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