I would like to explain how this came to fruition. Hubby and I were having a discussion about the old days, (for the young'ens reading this..a little history lesson) but before the dark age. When Sundays were special and had traditions and rituals. Sunday mornings Church, come home to a big gravy (sauce) cooking on the stove, a big Sunday dinner, then either off to visit relatives/friends or wait for relatives/friends to drop by. We would spend the afternoon sitting around the table, talking, catching up, having coffee, pizza, calzones, etc etc, dessert. And now, how sad, all those traditions are gone. And then I got to thinking, why not have something similar here on my blog. This past year, I have met so many amazing and wonderful people through blogging, and how I am in awe of what they do and accomplish. How much respect I have for them, for their honesty, integrity, credibility and so enjoy when a bit of their personality shines through. So every Sunday, here at my place, the coffee will be on, the dessert is on the table and friends will be stopping by. And I will be rolling out the red carpet for my Sunday Shining Star Blogger guest. Before I introduce today's guest, I want to let you know how excited I am with this weekly feature. Once the questionaires are returned, I place them into a folder and do not read them until I prepare them for posting. I feel this way, I am also getting to know our blogging buddies around the same time that you do....I know...corny....what can I say!!!!
I am guessing that 99% of today's visitors can say that today's guest has left a comment on their blog at some time. I stumbled upon her blog in the beginning of my stalking days and she had a weekly meme where she shared her life's experience living abroad in France, having little fluency in the language and I was in such awe of her courage. I used to look forward every week to read about a new experience through her eyes. I don't think I would be able to up and move to another country, heck, I know I couldn't. I am sure she needs no introduction but today's Sunday's Shining Star is KATHY from BERMUDAONION WEBLOG
*When and why did you start blogging?
I used to read a couple of personal blogs on a fairly regular basis and as I would read them, I would think to myself that I could do that. I mentioned it to my son when he was home on his summer break in 2008 and he encouraged me (or should I say pushed) me into doing it.
I used to read a couple of personal blogs on a fairly regular basis and as I would read them, I would think to myself that I could do that. I mentioned it to my son when he was home on his summer break in 2008 and he encouraged me (or should I say pushed) me into doing it.
*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
Well, when my son was pushing me, I told him I couldn't start a blog because I wouldn't even know what to call it and he came up with the name.
*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
Books and book related posts along with a few movie reviews and food posts.
*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I read a variety of genres, but I would guess I'm heavy on literary fiction, memoirs, and YA. I've never really taken the time to evaluate it, though.
*How often do you post?
*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
The people and the discussions about books! I've met so many wonderful people (bloggers, authors and publicists) and learned so much about publishing. If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would become friends with people I met online, I never would have believed them, but it's true!
*What are some of the negatives?
There is some drama from time to time, but overall, the only negative thing for me is the pressure I put on myself.
*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
That's a tough question! I guess I would say author interviews and posts about author events I've attended.
*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Don't be afraid to ask questions! Most bloggers are more than happy to answer them.
*What draws you to follow someone's blog?
I love blogs with personality. A blog doesn't have to be about the same kind of books I like to read, if the blogger's personality shines through. I enjoy reviews that include the reader's reaction rather than an analysis of the book.
*Do you have any "pet peeves" that other bloggers do?
I don't like it when I click on a blog and music starts playing - it generally startles me.
*Would you plase share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the "real" you!!
My favorite color is red.
I love college sports, particularly football and basketball (Go Hokies!).
I am petrified (scared is not strong enough) of heights.
I love to sing and dance but don't do either one well.
I was 16 when I graduated from high school.
The longest I've lived in one place is 12 years.
*Any other info you would like to share.
Not that I can think of, but I do want to thank you, Cheryl, for thinking of me for this feature!
I loved reading Kathy's answers as I was preparing this post. I learned so much more about her, except the one secret I think she is keeping from us. I think she is a triplet lol. She amazes me!!!. How does she read so many books, writes such fantastic reviews, comments on so many blogs, I love to read about her lunch dates with authors, her book club, her weekend cooking, her family, and oh yes, lets not forget, life in general. And then to find out that she graduated from High School at 16...what an accomplishment...definitely something to be very proud of. One thing you mentioned, made me personally feel better because I truly thought I was the only one who had this reaction, was being startled when music starts playing. I was a bit surprised, however, when she mentioned "drama" because when I think of and picture Kathy in my mind, I think of a kind, soft spoken, and genuine caring person. I think you will all agree, Kathy is definitely a SHINING STAR!!!

Kathy definitely is a shining star - truly luminous! i love her reviews - well thought out and concise and her Wondrous Words Wednesday is a terrific meme! Thanks for the visit, Cheryl - this is truly a pleasure to read. Happy Sunday!
Thanks so much for featuring me today, Cheryl! I'm so flattered to be spotlighted this way.
Kathy: Your welcome!! Kaye described you best...."Luminous". You truly are a Shining Star and I hope you enjoyed seeing your answers in red since it is your favorite color lol.
Very nice! Thanks for sharing, Cheryl. It was nice learning more about Kathy.....
I guess Kathy isn't a triplet, although I agree with you, Cheryl, on all she does, however, I am SURE she never sleeps. She is always there to congratulate winners..always! Kathy, must have a planner to show when to be at each blog. But however she does it, it is always pleasant to read her comments. I truly appreciate what she has to say on my blog, even commenting when she isn't trying to win a book. Her blog sets a standard that I look to and strive for (I have a long way to go). Thanks, Cheryl and congrats, Kathy to be named Shining Star!...and Milou is a cutie!
Wonderful interview. And Kathy is definitely the best choice to start off your new Sunday feature. She always has such nice thoughtful things to say when she stops by my place.
welcome kathy! So nice to read about you. I've seen you comment on several blogs I follow, I'll have to pop over to yours more often!!
Have a great Sunday!
Great post!!! Hopping over to visit Kathy's Blog asap.
So I love the concept Cheryl. Now I will be looking forward to seeing this every Sunday. Oh yeah that was pressure. ;)
Honestly I have never seen Kathy's blog but now am subscribing to it. I love blogs with personality too. It was what I wanted when I started my own. Oh Kathy I'm not only startled by the music I'm usually offended. Especially when I'm looking at a random blog and some ghetto booty song I'd never listen to, to begin with comes on. Urgh.
Looking forward to next week Cheryl.
What a great blog feature; I love it! Kathy was one of the first bloggers I met online when I started blogging. She is always there in a comment on my blog posts, so thoughtful and willing to help. I just love her and her blog!
Kathy is a very generous blogger. When I moved my blog to wordpress last year she answered any question I asked - and there were several :-) She also proves that you don't have to write volumes in a book review to make a point. Her reviews are concise which is how I like 'em!
Great post! I guessed from Kathy's Twitter feed that she was a Hokie fan, but it's really fun to find out about the person behind the reviews!
Kathy is the perfect person for the first "shining star."
Kathy encouraged me to start my blog and helped me when I became frustrated or needed help. I will always be grateful to her for this.
Best of luck with your great idea, Cheryl. It is a wonderful way to get know bloggers a little better than only seeing their posts.
Kathy is such a valued member of the book blogging community. And we have the same favorite color! ;)
Her advice is great--I absolutely agree that one should ask questions! Book bloggers are usually so eager to help in anyway they can.
Hi Kathy :) Nice getting to know you better. And I have always wondered about the name of your blog
Nice blog Cheryl
I only started reading blogs last year but I really love hers and I also look for her comments on contests. She always has something interesting to say
Carol Wong
Yep..she's a pretty cool person!!! Nice post and a great blogger to kick off with!!!
Great interview of everybody's favorite blogger! :--)
Hurray for Kathy...She has always been a great help to me while I was floundering with my blog and she answers all of my questions patiently!!!
Great post, I like how her son helped her to get a blog up and going. How nice that he even named it for her. I need to go visit her and find out what I have been missing. Thanks for the wonderful interview today. Very enjoyable to read about the 'shining stars' each week. Thanks Cheryl.
Love Kathy with a big HEART!
She makes my day and she is by far one of the most genuine people out in the reading reviewer world. She's my super star forever!
I found Kathy by being intrigued by her blogger name and noticing her wonderful comments on so many blogs. I appreciate what a great encourager Kathy is to so many!
Well, nice to meet you Kathy. I'm going to have to stop by & browse around your blog some time! I'm not much of a reader as Cheryl knows, but she loves me anyway! ~hehe~ So welcome to CyberSpace, and I'll at least stop by, and be your cyberfriend! Have a great one!
Oh, yes Kathy is a Shining Star -- great interview.
Thanks to everyone for their kind comments and thank you again for spotlighting me today, Cheryl. It really means a lot.
She is certainly a shining star. I don't know how she manages to comment so much and write a post daily! She is amazing. And I'm with her on the music playing thing -- I HATE THAT!
Cheryl, a great new feature.
Kathy, you are a shining star. Loved the interview.
Thoughts in Progress
Definitely a shining star, amazing how she has time for us and her own enjoyment of reading, blogging and life.
Great feature Cheryl.
I remember Sunday's being family day and no stores and grocery stores being opened, that has disappeared, sigh
Kathy is certainly amazing and a shining star, for sure! I met her last year at my university town and was completely charmed by her. She had such a magnetic personality, you couldn't help but just sit and listen to her as she talked so passionately! Definitely one of the best bloggers and people I've met! Kathy, if you're reading this, continue being the amazing person you are!
Wonderful interview and feature! Kathy is definitely a Shining Star. I have learned so much from her.
Late checking in this week.
Good to meet Kathy
Can't believe your phobia is heights. That's my phobia too. I hate it. Nice review. Thanks for all involved.
I love this interview and I love Kathy's blog. It was great to know more about you, Kathy!
Kathy's blog is definitely one of my favorites. I respect her opinions, love her sense of humor, and hope that someday we'll meet in person. She's the best.
This is a nice feature. I'm also amazed at how many blogs Kathy manages to comment on. And I'd like to chime in about the music. The only site I actually enjoy music on is a Harry Potter site; somehow there it doesn't bother me. It's like magic.
Kathy is amazing, and her energy, commitment and creativity make me admire her and strive to be like her. Great post! Was so glad you featured Kathy today!
She is one of my favorite bloggers, a shinning star
Kathy is a both a great blogger and a genuinely good person. To me she is a gracious Southern lady who has wonderful taste in books and people. I'm so glad you featured her today.
What a great feature. I've enjoyed Kathy's blog for a while now so It's always a treat to read more about her.
Kathy is the most welcoming blogger I know in the world of blogging. Great interview!
Kathy is a terrific blogger, a good person, and someone I consider a good friend. She writes some of the best recaps of book events I've seen. Definitely a shining star.
Great post! I loved getting to know Kathy better. This is a great weekly feature and fun to read.
Great feature, and Kathy was the perfect choice to spotlight. I love her blog, and it was wonderful meeting her in person a couple of times.
I can fully attest to Kathy's love and knowledge of sports - when I met her at SIBA last year, my husband and Kathy hit it off and spent time chatting about college football. Of course, I'm not a college football fan (hockey and baseball are my favorites) so I was completely clueless and my eyes glazed over a bit while they blabbed away. Needless to say, my husband has a completely different opinion of book bloggers since meeting the other ladies and Kathy last year! Kathy's blog is a fun source of information and I love to see her Saturday Snapshots recently that show her father in the vintage black and white photos. Love it!
This is such a great feature and Kathy is the perfect choice! She was one of the first people I "met" when I started blogging and she comments on every post. I don't know how she finds the time to do that and write her own posts for her awesome blog! Well done ladies!
And I'm so glad for this star who came into my (blogging) life many months ago. She's a gem! I love reading her reviews. I enjoyed her food posts. She's a great person.
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