This week's question:
There’s something wonderful about getting in on the ground floor of an author’s career–about being one of the first people to read and admire them, before they became famous best-sellers.
Which authors have you been lucky enough to discover at the very beginning of their careers?And, if you’ve never had that chance, which author do you WISH you’d been able to discover at the very beginning?
My Answer:
Sorry, I know I sound like a broken record but I'll add two more names today. But first is Vincent Zandri. I read Moonlight Falls and was hooked. Two other authors that I read last year am anxiously awaiting their next books are Bill Walker A Note From An Old Acquaintance and Sara Robinson, which was a total surprise because I usually don't read memoirs but for some reson, this one looked interesting and I really liked her writing style for Love Always, Hobby and Jessie.
Hosted by Lori from Dollycas's Thoughts
From Lori's site:It struck me recently how much time I spend on this computer every day, blogging, chatting or playing games on Facebook, emailing friends and relatives, making cards and calendars, etc. etc. etc.
We depend on each other for book reviews, giveaways, encouragement, friendship, but how well do we really know each other?
So that is what this meme is all about, getting to know each other.
1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? If yes, which part did you like the best, the game, the halftime show, the commercials and did you notice the mistake made with the National Anthem?
Sorry Lori....but....No...slept right through it. When the boys lived home we hosted a party every year for all their friends but now with them out of state, it was very, very quiet.
2. I joined a new meme this week called "Monday's Music Moves Me", this month's theme is love songs, Do you have a favorite love song?
Billy Joel's Love You Just The Way You Are
3. How many blog challenges have you entered this year?
Think I am up to about 17ish but am thinking there will be more with mini challenges throughout the year, that's why Gina from Hott Books and I started a challenge for Challenge Addicts. And she is WAY beyond my measly 17!!!

Hi friend! Hope all is well with you in blogland. Sorry I have been so absent lately--been so busy with the new house.....
Not too far ahead... well, maybe. I'm doing great - I've not joined any in the last 10 days! YIPPEE!!
Of course, when I saw a novel challenge yesterday, it was close...
I am way behind you in challenges, I entered two with one on the way in March. I find them to stressful. I love that Billy Joel song. And I didn't watch the Super Bowl either. Read a good book instead.
I awarded you with the One Lovely Blog Award.
I am so glad the because of you and Gina I have the support I need to "Just Say YES, I mean MAYBE, TO ANYMORE CHALLENGES!!!!!
I know in your heart you were rooting for the Packers, even while pretending to sleep, our loud screaming kept you awake!!!
We went to a Super Bowl party and all I watched was the halftime show!
I KNEW Zandri would be on your list! Here's my BTT: (and, no, I didn't give a Classic author--like Jane Austen--as my wish list person).
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