Hosted by Danielle at There's A Book
From Danielle's blog:We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question: What would your dream job be?
Read more: until this day, I can say that there have been 3 "dream jobs" that I wanted to achieve. One I did, the 2nd maybe it's a good thing I didn't and the 3rd, maybe there is still time.
It wasn't an easy course but I did graduate an obtain my license to become an RN. Unfortunately, a high risk in the field is injuries to the back due to lifting. I was 24 years old when I first injured, ruptured a disc and had my first spinal operation. I continued working on and off in the field for years in between having my sons until it got to the point where I just couldn't continue working in that capacity.
Since my 2nd love was books, hubby and I discussed maybe opening up a used book store but that never came to fruition for one reason or another. And with the unsettling affairs of book stores, maybe it was a good choice that we didn't.
And now at this point in my life, where I am totally disabled, I would love to do what I am now doing everyday but have it become a "real job". Even though this is a hobby for me, I try to use the same work ethics with my blog as when I was working. I would love to work in some capacity with authors, publishers, publicists, tours, etc etc. And since, I am disabled, I could make my own hours, it would be the perfect job. Anybody know of any job openings lol?
Hosted by Yvonne from Socrates Book Reviews
From Yvonne's site: I've wanted to start a meme like this for a long time. It's "Anything Goes on Saturday". It's a chance to choose any topic you want and talk about it on Saturday - it can be about a book, TV show, movie, a recipe or just an update on your week. Whatever you choose.
Topic: Awards
I think it is such an honor when a peer presents me and my blog an award. I really do get that "warm and fuzzy feeling" no matter how many I receive. However, I am finding that the criteria of passing them on takes up quite a bit of computer time, which I already spend too much time at, preparing drafts for Guest Authors, giveaways, etc etc. I have been taking the liberty of modifying the rules but it is still time consuming. So my questions today are: What are your thoughts on awards? Do you accept them? Or are you an Award -Free Blog? If you are, how did you come to that decision and notify your visitors? Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this subject!!!

It would be nice if we could get paid for what we do on our blogs, but I do wonder if having it as a job would take some of the joy out of it.
Oh, Cheryl, having a little bookstore was always something I loved to dream about, too...except for the part where you actually had to make a profit! LOL
My daughter-in-law is a nurse, and now is having a lot of physical problems, too, with knee replacements, etc.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I am working on a couple of novels right now; works I began with some recent challenges. It's hard to know when they will be published, because I'm still on the first drafts. But when that happens, you can be sure that I'll be shouting it out. LOL
I am not much into awards. I do acknowledge it when I receive one but am not really bothered if I don't get one!
Here is my Anything Goes On Saturday post!
Great memes today! As far as the dream job, opening a used book store some day is on my list. I know e-readers have really put a dent in this field, but I would still love it! And for the awards--I feel like you do. I feel so honored, but it is difficult to find the time to post about them and pass them on. It's funny that you mention this today because I was just thinking about this topic this morning. I am seriously considering making my blog award-free.....
I work in healthcare, on the IT side, so I do talk to a lot of RNs and I really admire what they do. It's great that you were able to do that even for a little while, it's truly incredible to me.
Getting paid to blog would be fantastic! Too bad it can't always happen.
I do really like getting awards on my blog, it's great to see that people enjoy what I write. But you are totally correct, the passing on aspect is very time consuming for me. It's not that I don't *want* to recognize other bloggers, it's just hard to figure out sometimes.
I would love to work in a bookdstore!
I thank those that kindly present me with an award, but I do not pass them on (too hard to chose as well as time consuming), and have not yet made my blog award free.
The awards topic is an interesting one. I love receiving them and feel very honored, but it really is time consuming to pass them along. Especially when you have to pass it along to 15 other blogs. I've been considering being award-free and might still do that.
A small bookstore around the corner, sounds like fun, and may have done good years ago, but not today.
About the awards, on "Ann's Moody Blues" blog I do have a notice in my sidebar that I don't participate in blog awards. I had it for awhile on my "Shadows Of My Mind" blog but I received awards anyway. So now days I accept them, post my thanks, but I don't pass them on to anyone else. I also have a blog where I post all the awards it is called, "My Award Blog".
I've thought many times about opening a bookstore, but there's already one in the nearest town.
I accept awards and pass them on. If I pass it to someone who doesn't post them, that's ok. I just want them to know I appreciate them.
As employee relations manager at a hospital I deal with these cases, they are so very sad. You study and put your life into being a RN and then ???? sad.
I put the message about not accepting awards in my comment title. I appreciate it but networking and posting already takes away from reading and having a life :-)
It would be great to blog as a job or even a paid hobby, lol
Oh! We have another thing in common! The book store! And wouldn't it be delightful to actually get paid to do this? I would be in heaven...and so would my hubby. hehe
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