Hosted by Danielle at There's A Book
From Danielle's blog:We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. We each, individually, do something or are someone that makes the world a little better just by being here. I created this weekly meme to get to know the blogging community I love just a bit better. To know what makes them tick, outside of books, that is. Each week I will post a question to be answered in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. Check back each Saturday to get the info for next week’s post and link up with your current post right here.
This week's question: What’s your favorite color? Or maybe you have multiple favorites, which ones? Be creative with how you tell us if you have time.
As far as my wardrobe, it consists mainly of black, can't go wrong and easy to accessorize. The rest is jeans and colorful tops.
And for our house, we decorate in the warm tones, or country like/colonial
Hosted by Yvonne from Socrates Book Reviews
From Yvonne's site: I've wanted to start a meme like this for a long time. It's "Anything Goes on Saturday". It's a chance to choose any topic you want and talk about it on Saturday - it can be about a book, TV show, movie, a recipe or just an update on your week. Whatever you choose.
Today's Topic: Rereading Books
I have seen where many bloggers enjoy rereading books. Have you? I never have and quite honestly not sure if I understand why. There are so many books just waiting to be read, I know that I have such an extensive personal tbr bucket list (notably named because of my age) I don't think I will ever be able to read them all. I was talking with Julie from Reading Without Restraint about this the other night on the phone. I read the first 4 books of the Women's Murder Club by James Patterson many, many years ago and can't remember what they were about and recently have won some of the latest in the series. I have some GC so was thinking I would purchase the earlier ones and start from the beginning. But this will be the first time I have ever reread a book.
Would love to hear your thoughts on rereading books. Do you? Is it as enjoyable knowing how the story plays out? What makes you want to reread a book? Or do you feel that there are too many other books to be read?

I hope this means you're feeling better today. Black is a great wardrobe color, but we have a dog who sheds white hair, so I avoid it.
I've never been much of a re-reader.
I do reread books, although just a few favorites. In your case with the series, I probably would skim the books I already read to catch myself up.
I have gone through phases with colors...I remember my black and brown period; then there were a lot of blues; but nowadays, I have reds, purples, and other vivid colors, but there's always some black in there, too.
Lately I haven't felt like rereading anything because I have so many TBR books! I think rereading was really fun as a kid because it was like reuniting with old friends and you enjoyed knowing so much about the book as you went through it again. Now it seems that I only reread if I'm really in the mood to revisit a favourite book. I guess the attraction of something new trumps that most of the time :) P.S. Hope you're feeling better!
How strange, your colour combinations are exactly the same as those I have just described to a fellow participant in the meme.
Our household furnishings are typically passive, neutral colours and for clothing, the only colour for me is black, which drives my husband to distraction.
I am beginning to think that I am trying very hard not to be noticed in a crowd, which just about figures, as I am quite an introvert.
Maybe there is a bright and colourful person inside somewhere, just trying to escape, but I am not confident or adventurous enough to find out!
Nice to meet you, by the way.
Thought that I would make 2 separate comments, or it would seem as if I were rambling on somewhat.
I never re-read books, I just can't see the point in it.
There are so many books out there, just waiting to be enjoyed, enough to last a lifetime, without re-reading.
Besides which, my TBR mountain is so large that I can't possibly live long enough to ever see the bottom of it. We have shelves double and sometimes triple stacked, all over the house and my long-suffering husband has dared me to bring home any more.
The trouble is, that I volunteer in a hospice charity shop, where books are donated by the car load, who could resist?
Does that make me sad?
I love black too! And dark purple too. I don't like very bright colours.
I do like re-reading my all-time favourite books.
I couldn't pick one favorite color, although there is a lot of black in my wardrobe as well. You can read my post at:
I do like to reread books, but it all depends on the book. There are some that I loved so much I really want to read them again. And others that were either just okay, or didn't strike my fancy, so I'm sure I'll never pick them up again. Guess it all just depends on the story!
Hey Girl!
I reread Whitney My Love by McNaught every chance I get. That book has me crying, laughing, sighing and makes me deliriously happy. Yeppers am a big romance lover and can't get enough of Clayton and Nick in this one.
I never re-read books. I just have too many unread books and don't have enough time to re-read. Besides, stories don't seem to be the same for me once I know how the ending is.
I am not a re-reader of books. Although, I did read "Nights in Rodanthe" by Nicholas Sparks. I loved the book, and when the movie came out a few years ago, I re-read the book, and then watched the movie. My friend, who borrows books from me is reading for the fifth time "Austenland" because she just loves the book so much. I remember when I read it I just thought it was an OK read, I told her yesterday, I need to re-read the book and see what I think of it the second time around.
I'm definitely a wearer of black. I've been trying to branch out recently and wear more browns and blues, but is definitely a staple.
As for rereading...I think that before I was a book blogger I used to reread quite a bit more than I do now. Well, considering I don't at all now, yeah. I have so many books to read now, like you, that I could hardly squeeze in a reread unless I was just dying to read it. You know?
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