I will be blog hopping a little later today. For those who stop by, thank you. I will visit you as soon as we get back. We are making another long trek for a post op visit. While hubby is driving, after we make a visit to Dunkin Donuts for coffee, I am hoping to pass the time reading. Have a fun day hopping, will join you, when we get home. Which leads me to my Aloha Friday Question.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
What are your plans for today?.

I am babysitting my nephew so I have a full house of 4 under 5 today
Finish packing, go to temple for Sukkot, pick up big kid from school, hit the road. Niece's 3rd birthday party this weekend.
It's cleaning day, laundry and I need to take photo of the yard, for I will be have a makeover on Monday. Just hired someone to do this. That will be featured on my Garden site. so I will need to go get the Blue Spruce brush some time today.
This morning I went to a playdate/surprise baby shower for my friend. Now I am being lazy, but I have to clean the house for my in-laws, they are coming in tomorrow!
Right now I'm on my way to Car Max where I was this morning. My car is pulling a tad to the right, and I'm still hearing that rotating noise when I stop. They said something was warped in the brakes, and they need new break pads in the front. Just had the bad ones put on last week. Sheesh! Hugs, Dolly
Today catching up on the reviews here :)
Write up Suzanne Collins series reviews... nahh to tired do that tomorrow... just want to say Aloha and browse with pleasure :)
Hope your appt went well and the dr had good news for you! E-mail me and let me know.....
so much to do today. cleaning, going to the store, washing kids hair, doing laundry. I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed.
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