
September 13, 2010

And the winner is............ (2 of 6)


for the BlogFest Giveaway of $25. 00 B&N purchase
and a  personalized signed copy of A Note from an Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-09-13 14:01:20 UTC

Julie said... 99 I follow your blog

An email has been sent to the winner and has 48 hours to respond with information or another winner will be chosen.


Kaye said...

Congrats to Julie!

XmasDolly said...

CONGRATS TO YOUR WINNER! I had to buy three GC last year. My niece, nephew, and brother-in-law all love BN so Santa said go there! ~hehe~ Let me know when you're doing this give-away again so I can help Santa out! LOL Don't forget our 4M's today! Come buy and boogie with me virtually!

Anonymous said...

Congrats everyone. Enjoy your prizes : )