
April 14, 2011

And the winners are.......

........for SNOWDROPS by A.D. Miller

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

6    11
Timestamp: 2011-04-14 22:09:50 UTC 
Bingo said... 11  I am Bookinbingo following you on Twitter...thanks for a chance at this giveaway!

An email has been sent to the winners and they have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.



bermudaonion said... 1

How fun that I won with Bingo! Thanks so much, Cheryl and congratulations Karen!

Darlyn said... 2

Congratulations Bermudaonion!

Bingo said... 3

As I said in my email, Cheryl, I AM SO EXCITED! I REALLY wanted this book and look at the good company I am in with Kathy! Congrats to her and thank you so, so much! Enjoy Kathy! Everyone have a super weekend!

bermudaonion said... 4

My book came today! Thanks again for hosting the giveaway.