This week's qestion:
In a related question to last week’s–
I was reading the other day a quote from JFK Jr who said on the death of his mother, that she died surrounded by family, friends, and her books. Apparently, Jackie’s books were very much a part of HER, her personality, her sense of self.
Up until recently, people could browse your bookshelves and learn a lot about you–what your interests are, your range of topics, favorite authors, how much you read (or at least buy books).
More and more, though, this is changing. People aren’t buying books so much as borrowing them from the library. Or reading them on their e-readers or computers. There’s nothing PHYSICAL on the shelves to tell strangers in your home, for better or worse, who you ARE.
Do you think this is a good thing? Bad? Discuss!
My answer:
I remember John Jr. saying that and thinking that may be some day. Because if I were to have an illness that was lingering, I am sure, I would want to read to the very end. And those that would be with me at that time already know that reading is a very important facet of my life so it wouldn't matter if they saw what the titles were, they would know that what has always made me happy and what I have always enjoyed, I continued to the end.
Hosted by Lori from Dollycas's Thoughts
From Lori's site:It struck me recently how much time I spend on this computer every day, blogging, chatting or playing games on Facebook, emailing friends and relatives, making cards and calendars, etc. etc. etc.
We depend on each other for book reviews, giveaways, encouragement, friendship, but how well do we really know each other?
So that is what this meme is all about, getting to know each other
1. How often do you go to the hair salon or beauty parlor?
Hair..every 6-8 weeks Nails every 2-3 weeks (am way overdue)
2. Have you ever had a massage?
Yes (and loved it) hubby has booked us one for our one while on vacation....can't wait
3. Have you even been able to enjoy a full day of pampering at a spa?

I remember reading the statement about Jackie also. And if I die in my bedroom, I will be surrounded by my books. I laughed yesterday, I said to Tony, I don't know what is wrong with me today, I don't even feel like reading, of course I was very tired, after a long day away from home, he had a doctors appt. yesterday. And waiting in the car and trying to read is very tiring. ; )
I have never had a massage, I wonder what I am missing?
I love holding a book in my hands and the smell and crispness of a new book. I have keeper shelves for the books I love, most pre-blog because now I love to share my books with others. You can't do that with an e-reader I don't think.
I wished we all lived closer together so we could all go on a spa day together. We would probably get kicked out because of all the laughing and talking. We would ruin the tranquility part of the experience. :)
I'm with you on the hair - every 6 weeks. I have a pedicure once a year. I didn't enjoy the massage I had - I know, I'm strange.
A full day at the spa, many times, it is a must for me :-) Wish it could be more often though.
My loved ones know I love to read but what I read I don't think matters.
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