I was told when I first found this community of book blogging that "book bloggers were the nicest bloggers there are" and I have never forgotten those words. And over the past year, I have truly met the nicest people. I also believe, even though we live behind a screen, a bit of our personality shines through. That is one of the reasons I am having so much fun with this weekly event, and hoping you are too, because we are getting to know those "nicest bloggers" around and about bloggyland a little bit better.
We are back in the states today, since Lori's (aka Dollycas's Thoughts) hubby Jeff asked for this week off because he was complaining that we packed too much from our trip last, our luggage was too heavy, and he needed to rest for our trip next week......Men!!!!!
But I have another very special guest that I am sure a lot of you know. I stumbled upon her blog when I was a newbie and fell in love with her blog and her cute and plump friends. It was such a professional, adorable, themed blog that I became an instant follower. And the more I visited, the more I got to know this blogger, but more on that later.....So today's guest and Sunday's Shining Star is KAYE from PUDGY PENGUIN PERUSALS
*When and why did you start blogging?
Oct 2008 - not sure exactly why blogging - it just intrigued me that people would talk about books and loved them as much as I did.
*How and what made you decide on the name of your blog?
I collect penguins and wanted to somehow incorporate that into my reading blog plus I like alliteration and no one has seen a skinny penguin so pudgy just seemed appropriate. Voila - Pudgy Penguin Perusals!
*What would you say is the main content of your blog?
Books with an occasional personal thing thrown in.
*If books, what genres do you mostly read?
I'm a big cozy and mystery/thriller fan but I do like contemporary fiction also. Some genres I don't read are erotica, self help (although I probably need a lot of self help), sci-fi, dystopian and most paranormal.
*How often do you post?
2-3 times a week is probably my average
*What are some of the things that you love about blogging?
One of the best things is being able to share some book love with people around the world - that just amazes me. Another wonderful aspect of blogging is the feeling of community and the terrific people I have "met". I feel like they are real friends. Like you, Tootsie. I just know if we met IRL, we'd be friends.
*What are some of the negatives?
Technical aspects of blogging as I'm sure you know I am so NOT tech savvy. Sometimes I just can't get things to look right. Not being able to write a decent review. The feeling of reviewing being a chore if I over extend myself which I keep swearing that I will not do this year. Honestly, I'm not. Really, I mean it.
Pudgy Penguin Perusals
*Name 1-3 favorite items/postings that you have/do on your blog?
I love running contests for cozies - I get a kick out of doing that and then probably my penguin pics - I just love the little guys!
*Any advice you would give to new bloggers?
Don't go crazy making all kinds of commitments because it can come back to bite you. Blogs should be fun and not a chore.
*What draws you to follow someone's blog?
A novel (pun intended) perspective and a sense of humor. It astounds me how some bloggers can consistently come up with such creative posts or have such a humorous perspective on life. I envy those clever people. Of course, a good cozy contest will get me every time. ;).
*Do you have any "pet peeves" that other bloggers do?
Not really - it's their blog and they can do what they want but it does kind of annoy me when someone leaves a comment with a link about their law practice or insurance products or something that has nothing at all to do with books or the discussion in the post.
*Would you please share 5-7 things about the person behind the screen so that we get to know the "real" you!!
I love my 2 daughters more than I can say and can't believe they are in their early 40's. It seems like yesterday they were babies. *Sniff* *Sigh*
This year will be our 45th wedding anniversary.
I'm sort of insecure and don't feel I'm smart enough or creative enough to be blogging with others.
I'd never put my pic out there - too self conscious
If I had the choice between cake or ice cream - it would always be ice cream -peppermintstick if possible. In what universe did the powers that be decide that flavor should only be seasonal? Sheesh!!
I really respect young people with good manners and who show courtesy and kindness to others of all ages.
*Any other info you would like to share.
Cheryl, I'm so flattered that you wanted me to do this but I'm sure that's probably enough boring stuff for anyone to slog through.
Kaye, thank you so much for accepting my invitation to be my guest today. As I started saying, and Kaye eluded to, after becoming a follower of her blog and entering her giveaways, we started emailing each other and we "just clicked". I feel the same way, I know, if we ever had the chance to meet face to face, we would be doing lunch on a regular basis. Her and her husband, who she refers to as the TBG (the big guy) have recently gone through some health issues but have dealt with them head on with faith and courage, and thankfully everything is now on the right path. She, however, did scare me there for a while. I think we both hit it off since we have so much in common, a few being our sense of humor regarding how computer challenged we are and have had some laughs about that, how our children live out of state, love for ice cream and the picture issue. She has given me some great advice about blogging and accepting requests. I think the trait I most admire about her is her honesty, she says it like she sees it. She really does call me "Tootsie" when she emails me and just recently has renamed my husband "Mr. Cheryl" lol. Between blogging since 2008, being married for 45 years along with everything else, I truly think I selected a great SHINING STAR!!!!

Thank you for such an honor, Tootsie! You are so right - we would be "ladies who lunch". {{{{Hugs!!}}}
Very nice, from one Kay to another Kaye! Cheryl, great choice for a true shining star in the blogging world. I love Kaye's blog and it doesn't hurt that she is a cozy mystery fan as well. I've never tried peppermint ice cream - sounds cool and like something a penguin would love! LOL
I love Kaye's blog - she's a sweetheart :)
I too love Kaye's blog, I've been a follower for a year or two.
Congrats, Kaye, you truly are a "SHINING STAR."
Kaye and I have been friends since we were 7 years old. There is no more honest, loving, caring person in the world. She got me reading again and now I am addicted to "Cozies". Love, Love, Love her blog! Cheryl, it would be great to do tea with you and Kaye. Enjoy your day. Terry
Great to find out more about you Kaye. I do visit your blog, though I have different tastes in books :)
Congrats on 45 years of marriage this year. I understand that the last year has been a difficult one healthwise.
Thanks Cheryl for another Shining Star :)
Kaye and I share the love of cozies and I stalk her blog regularly. I have tried to be better this year and leave messages but am still bad a it. I am sure the six of us Cheryl, Steve, You, TBG, Jeff and I would have a blast.
Cheryl, I warned you about all those books. One week to recoup and Jeff will be fine, but he did bring us some wonderful glazed donuts from the store for our "Hot Chick Party".
Of to actually visit Kaye's blog and will leave a message. :)
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!
Kaye rocks and I loved getting to know her better - I'm so impressed that she's been married for 45 years! I think her blog is very clever and creative.
You are so right about this community Kay!
Hi Kaye :D Nice to get to know you better
Welcome Kaye, congratulations on the 45 years of marriage and now that Cheryl has pointed me in the right direction am stopping by to check out your place soon!
Ah, my beloved Pudgy Penguin Lover, Kaye...just about the best blogging friend turned real friend I have! She is a very special lady for all the reasons noted above and more...it is fitting that Kaye loves cozy mysteries because she makes everyone who knows her feel cozy, warm, and loved! Thanks, Cheryl, for honoring this wonderful gal pal!
Kaye and her blog are terrific. Thanks for the great interview.
I enjoyed this! Kaye is such a nice fellow blogger. Loved her advice about blogging...so true. I know how you feel, Kaye. I don't like putting pictures of myself out there either. =O)
What a great Shining Star! I will go check out this "Pudgy Penguin"!
Kaye is an excellent choice! She's a sweetie and has a great blog!
What a great selection for a Shining Star Cheryl!! Kaye is an amazing blogger and friend and she makes this a happier community. The only thing I disagree with is the comment
"I'm sort of insecure and don't feel I'm smart enough or creative enough to be blogging with others."
It's very obvious that's not true! Just visit and find out for yourself!! :)
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