I was scheduled to have a special author showcased today, however, I do not think it is fair to him to not have all the images related to his book not be presented in the way they so rightly deserve to be shown. I am hoping that by tomorrow, that photobucket will fix this problem and we can get on with blogging.
A huge apology to the author and his publisher.!!!!!

I just checked my blog and I have the same issue-I hope it is fixed soon-maybe this shows we should host our pics on Google!
You're not the only blog with this problem - I've seen a few others today.
Oh no Cheryl, I only have 1 image saved to photobucket, all the rest are on my computer. Hope it is less than a day upgrade.
You are not alone though, unfortunately.
Some days are like that. It took me an hour to get an Amazon widget on my blog and it still doesn't look how I would like. I share your frustration - tomorrow is another day!!!
It is so frustrating when we are relying on outside sources and something goes wrong. I hope it is fixed soon.
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