
December 23, 2011

Aloha Friday

Hosted by An Island Life 
From An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life answer the question and then post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

Any blog changes for 2012? 
I will be moving to wordpress because of all the problems with blogger.


Stacy Uncorked said...

I've been contemplating a change for 2012, I just haven't decided the 'what' yet. ;) You'll definitely appreciate how stress free Wordpress is compared to Blogger - if you need help figuring out the move, I'll be happy to give you some pointers. :)

Hope you and yours have a Very Merry Christmas! :)

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas

bermudaonion said...

Good luck!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Good luck with the change. WP is so wonderful I am sure you will love it. No major changes with my blog, just more branching out in other areas.

jennielee226 said...

I am planning a new theme. I haven't picked one out yet.

Smellyann said...

No changes planned here, I don't think. I haven't really thought about it!

I am Harriet said...

Haven't really thought about it.

Have a great weekend!

MMAR said...

I have thought about splitting my blog into two... one for just books ; )
I also want a new design but am dragging my feet! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

Ann Summerville said...

Your contact button is working otherwise I'd send you an e-mail. I'd like to invite you to be a guest on my blog in 2012. Can you contact me?

Anonymous said...

Of course. It seems I'm continually making changes. Though I am already at WP, just haven't found the right style theme.

David and Cathi said...

TechyDad has been making changes on my name, url, theme...and then I hop the only chnages will be upgrades here and there. ;D

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Haven't thought about it. I'm more concerned with personal changes.

Colette S said...

I have considered WP, but I am afraid I wont be able to understand it.

So right now I'm desperately wanting a new theme. design.

Merry Christmas