
August 15, 2011

Monday Memes


Hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading
Today's question:
Do you like looking at other people’s bookshelves?
My answer:
Absolutely.  Other people's bookcase's are like magnets when I walk into someone's home. I'm automatically drawn to it.  If it is the first time visiting, it makes for a wonderful "ice breaker" and topic of conversation.  It also gives a little peek into the likes of the host/hostess. If it someone who I visit more often, I still gravitate to their bookcases.  But the conversation starts with the"what new books have you added and what do you recommened?"  At that point, I either am offered to borrow the book or grab a pen and piece of paper to write down the title(s) for when I get home to write them down on my "tbr hopefully in my lifetime list". 

August is being hosted by Staci from Life in the Thumb
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia of A girl and her books and is now on tour.
According to Marcia, “Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”

From Tribute Books


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Birds of Paradise looks tempting. I love the flower, anyway (so exotic!), and a book with this name sounds exotic as well.


Thanks for visiting my blog.

Gigi Ann said...

I like checking out others books, but since I'm the only one with the bookshelves, most everyone else checks out mine. I think that is why I like visiting book bloggers, to check out what they find interesting to read, and then of course my ever growing TRB list keeps growinnnnnng.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Your book looks really good. Enjoy the week :)

Debbie said...

Funny how so many of us have the same response.

caite said...

yep, get out that pen and paper, because we always need some more new books, right? lol

Kaye said...

You can come visit my bookshelves any day!! I, too, love perusing other people's shelves. Vedddy vedddy interesting! Have a wonderful week, Cheryl, and happy reading!

Arlee Bird said...

I feel the same as you do about the Monday Musing. I've yet to see anybody offended that I would show interest in their book collections. They are usually more than happy to talk about them.

Tossing It Out

Rabbit said...

Nice response, I am much the same! Feel free to check out my MM here.

Rumana @ Relook the Book

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read.

bermudaonion said...

Looking at other people's bookshelves is so much fun! My sister spent hours looking at mine the last time she was here.

Aisle B said...

I would get the book just for that beautiful exotic flower... Yes.. I'm a flowerholic too :)