
October 21, 2010

Booking Through Thursday (1 of 2)


(fyi...I was a bit bored the other day and was cleaning out some files, arranging others and had this idea that I would make a new BTT image for today...what do you think?  As I learn new things about the computer, I tend to want to test it out and that's why I did this.

Today's Question:
Name a book (or books) from a country other than your own that you love. Or aren’t there any?
My Answer:
Not sure if my interpretation of the question is right but, this is the first answer that popped into my mind when reading it.  The only book that came to mind, and it's because of the original origins and that is the Bible.


Alayne said...

That's definitely a good one! Haha. I'm starting a new meme today called What Were They Thinking? over at The Crowded Leaf.. Stop by if you want to participate!

Gigi Ann said...

Well, I think that works, let's see, there's Hebrew, Greek, and some Aramaic.: )

bermudaonion said...

Great pick!!

jlshall said...

You're right - the Good Book is a good choice! And I really love that new button.

Bev Hankins said...

That's a great choice...I'm just not feeling this Booking Through Thursday question, so I'm probably not going to post this week. But my answers would be British writers (Sayers, Christie, David Lodge, Jane Austen...I could go on and on).

Julie P said...

So that was kind of an easy answer! It was a difficult question though. I tend to read books written from the US only....